Sunday, 29 April 2007

Egyptian State Security Brutality

Saturday, 28 April 2007

Politics - but not as we know it

'POLITICS IN THE capital might never be the same again. A new project aims to expose London's power-players and how to grab hold of them'. The usual self contradictory pablum from Black who know nothing of real power and how to use it. The second sentence talks about power politics as it is and of making the best use of it as it is; while, simultaneously, the first sentence talks about politics never being the same again. Either politics is to change or it is to remain the same and one is to refrain from trying to beat them; rather, instead, to join them. This paragraph is entirely schizophrenic.

'A new website, booklet and folding "politics map" aims to give London's Black communities the information about who holds the power, and the confidence to demand their views are taken into account'. It would, of course, be much better to seize power for oneself. Then one wouldn't have to go cap in hand to those who dislike one's skin colour, which isn't ever going to work because they don't like you because of your skin colour.

More Twenty First-Century Schizoid Black Man: 'Simon Woolley, director of Operation Black Vote, said the scheme heralded a "new dawn" in the way politics was done'. If so, then why bother about how politics is done now since that's all to be swept away in a revolution; presumably involving involving a great deal of Black forelock tugging to get White Attention and sympathy for the plight of Poor, Powerless Blacks?

At last, an honest statement from a Black Man: 'We've got to forget this deference we have, and we've got to make them work for us'. To which my response is why do you have 'deference' for institutional racists and how are you going to overcome your fear of them which such 'deference' clearly implies?

'We are their democratic masters and they are the servants'. What can one say – save entirely delusional!

'[A] 130-page booklet explains the role of every public institution that impacts on the lives of Londoners, who is in charge and how to get in touch with them'. You'd think Blacks never went to school or had the benefits of a good education. This information has always been available to those who seek it, so what's all the fuss now. Are the Blacks who will supposedly benefit from this faux largesse civic retards who couldn't do all this for Themselves? True empowerment only comes from the latter; not from busybodying, do gooding windbags who condescend to your for you ignorance while pretending to relieve you of such ignorance.

Article copyright © 2007 Frank TALKER. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute it electronically and in print; provided that mention of the author’s Weblog ( is included: E mail notification requested. All other rights reserved. Frank TALKER is also the author of Sweaty Socks: A Treatise on Toe Jam (East Cheam Press: Groper Books, 1997) and is University of Bullshit Professor Emeritus of Madeupology.

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Britain is humiliated, the West powerless - and the Blair government contaminates all it touches

'One overriding challenge faces the world today: to ensure that the spread of democratic market economies and the international liberal economic order in which they flourish are not reversed by reactionary forces. It is challenge which we might fail to meet'. The latter outcome would be a good thing since to spread a good by force is inherently evil - an evil typical of White Dreams of World Dominance. As usual, Whites claim to know what's best and that those who don't agree should have their rights trampled-on in the name of humanity - a humanity Whites never really accept as being of equal value to Their own. When Whites talk about the 'onward march of civilisation', They are referring to Themselves as the provider of such 'civilisation' for the alleged benefit of those more darker-skinned than Themselves. 'For the West to have succeeded [in civilising the heathen] would have required a great deal of moral courage, determination and patience, qualities that it no longer possesses in sufficient quantities'. The reason such racist nonsense always fails is precisely because of the belief that human qualities are quantifiable! There can be no such thing as a quality lacking in "sufficient quantity", unless you can tell Frank TALKER how much faith, hope or charity there is in the world - to the nearest metric tonne. (Additionally, a truly morally-courageous person would know that forcing his view on others is not an act or 'moral courage'.) This ethical claptrap completely evades any reference to the fact that terrorism and counter-terrorism is, like marriage, a game that it takes two to play. Very few terrorists lack at least the semblance of a valid grievance against someone, somewhere; inevitably erupting into violence. Rather than deluding ourselves into thinking that a 'policy of appeasement' is what we are doing, we should accept that we are most often simply getting our just desserts for our past foolish behaviour. It is in this area of ethical honesty that the 'great deal of moral courage, determination and patience, qualities that [the West] no longer possesses in sufficient quantities' is really lacking. Even Hitler had a valid axe to grind regarding the Treaty of Versailles and its inane iniquities; otherwise, Hitler could never have gained power at all based on possessing no argument. This writer goes on to absurdly claim the following. 'Iran, a country which funds terrorists and whose leaders have threatened to wipe Israel off the map, will continue to move closer to obtaining a nuclear weapon; the Chinese will continue to buy its oil; and a weakened West will continue to enjoy the fruits of globalisation while refusing to make any effort to defend the structures on which its freedom and prosperity depend'. What he does not understand is that globalisation means having to do business with those one does not like - as freedom-of-speech implies protecting it for those with whom one does not agree. This writer thinks we can only achieve globalisation when everyone has been coerced into being in our own image! If so, then we will not have true globalisation but global tyranny - of the nuclear powers over the non-nuclear. Britain would only be truly humiliated if it had a legitimate reason to be in Iraq in the first place - which it does not. Therefore, Britain humiliated itself. Fortunately, only individuals can be humiliated so this statement is neither here nor there since it cannot possibly be true. The headline never makes clear whether it's Blair's blundering foreign policy which has humiliated Britain or the ease with which, for example, a supposedly inferior nation was able to take UK servicemen hostage. This piece is racist hogwash because countries lead by example; they do not force their culture down the throats of others if they wish to be moral leaders. Force always has the reverse effect yet allows Whites to claim that those who do not accept their way-of-being are inferior and that their pre-existing racism is thus justified. There is, in fact, no other way of at least giving the semblance of superiority.

Article copyright © 2007 Frank TALKER. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute it electronically and in print; provided that mention of the author’s Weblog ( is included: E-mail notification requested. All other rights reserved. Frank TALKER is also the author of Sweaty Socks: A Treatise on Toe-Jam (East Cheam Press: Groper Books, 1997) and is University of Bullshit Professor Emeritus of Madeupology.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Budd Dwyer Suicide


The ethical cowardice all too typical of the White Political Classes.

Copyright © 2010 Frank TALKER. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute it in any format; provided that mention of the author’s Weblog ( is included: E-mail notification requested. All other rights reserved.

Friday, 20 April 2007

Brutal Brazilian Punishment

Psycho Brazilian Cop Beats on Random Women

Monday, 16 April 2007

Blundering Blair's cheap shot

'Blundering Blair cast aside years of concerted efforts by black people to combat youth crime when he said: "The black community need to be mobilised in denunciation of this gang culture that is killing innocent young black kids. "But we won't stop this by pretending it isn't young black kids doing it". Only Whites engage in this 'pretending' in Their politically correct desperation to get Blacks to love Them for Their racism. A racism loved by those at whom it is aimed is easier to perpetrate than one which is resisted; hence the White Desire to convince Blacks that White Racism is deserved. (Because Tony Blair is a White - trying to politically exploit the traditionally negative view of Blacks Whites have - what else can you expect?) No White Politician ever claims the White Community needs to be 'mobilised' against the White Racists who wish to kill ' innocent young black kids'. This is because Whites want to distract attention away from Their racism and focus attention on black on black crime in order to convince Themselves that Blacks are uncivilised and, therefore, not fully evolved. Whites hope this will justify Their racism, but falls into the trap of never talking in terms of white on white crime – as if somehow crimes committed by Blacks were ineffably different from crimes committed by Whites. That is to say, Blacks commit crimes because it's Their nature to do so while Whites commit them because of such fallacies as social disadvantage and exclusion. Blacks are internally motivated while whites act because of external pressures. The fact that Whites excuse Poor White Behaviour in the latter terms, but never Poor Black Behaviour similarly, proves the racist bias inherent in the White Attitude to the different communities. (Interestingly, this means Whites see Themselves as tabula rasa, without essence or substance as people, buffeted by the winds of preordained destiny. This explains the popularity among Them of games of chance such as the National Lottery and of the concept of socialistic social engineering; both of which require the primacy of external forces as an explanation for [White] Behaviour. It also implies that Blacks have character – albeit bad – and are not born as empty shells waiting to be filled with White Propaganda.) As always, Whites offer odd glimpses into how They really see Themselves when They are busy criticising others – so busy that They fail to see that this is, in fact, what They are busy doing; engaging in self revelation. The profound flaw in this article lies in statements like this: 'Failure of government to tackle in both racism in education and the ability for black youth to secure employment has created a sense of deep hoplesness (Sic) and alienation amoung (Sic) a section of our communities'. There can be no reason why a White Government would ever tackle the institutional racism of UK culture, since racism provides Whites with obvious economic, social and political benefits. (Unless of course, the author can explain why anyone would deny themselves a privilege with which they were born – or provide more than one historical example of such.) There were many more collaborators working with the Germans during the Second World War than there were members of the French Resistance for precisely the same Talleyrand like reasons. If Blacks are seriously holding Their breath for Whites to become representatives of a fully developed and humane culture, then They're going to have a very long wait. Why on earth are Whites, for example, going to give jobs to Blacks when They have shown for centuries that They favour Their own: First, last & always? This is why almost all successful Blacks are self employed and why it's necessary for black parents to take the education of their offspring into their own hands rather than the hands of a racist school system. '[H]oplesness (Sic) and alienation' are self taught characteristics, born of a belief that the world owes the hopeless and the alienated a living. All that Blacks do by making self pitying remarks is blame White Racism for Black Failure; as White Racists love to blame Their own failings on the success of Blacks. (This is fundamental when a White sees a Black driving a BMW, for example, since He believes that if a Black does well, some White, somewhere, must be doing less well. Such people have no idea of even the most basic tenet of economics.) What Blacks refuse to face is that White Racism is proof of White Failure, since the racist has to find someone less successful than himself in order to feel better about his comparative failings. The easiest means of achieving this is through positive discrimination for Whites; ie, institutional racism. And please note that White Culture is very fond of its comparisons between people since it possesses no absolute standards against which to measure itself. If it did, it would find itself coming up short in comparison to other cultures; eg, Asian and oriental. It's important to recognise that Whites will always avoid absolutes because they are standards against which everyone's behaviour must be measured – not just that of Blacks – and Whites don't want anyone judging Them as They judge others. Relative, comparative standards are designed to set the designer outside the standards while categorising others as inferior. Everyone possesses self-sufficiency because they possess reason. The moment anyone claims that they need help from others, they admit they lack reason. The moment that is admitted, all the parasites in the world – social workers, probation officers, police officers, do gooders, racists, the charitable, etc – come out of the woodwork to exploit you because they, themselves, lack self sufficiency. This is why they work for government and the voluntary sector but not the private sector. When Blacks stop wasting Their time looking to Whites for a solution to Their self hatred, They will start developing the businesses to create the wealth to plough into Their own culture - for the benefit of that culture. Moreover, then Whites would have reduced opportunities for blaming Blacks in attempting to criminalize and pathologize Black Culture by always implying Blacks get all the racial abuse They deserve because They are alleged to be doing nothing rational to further Their own interests. Stop deserving it, in this way, and Whites will have a harder time justifying it.

Article copyright © 2007 Frank TALKER. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute it electronically and in print; provided that mention of the author’s Weblog ( is included: E mail notification requested. All other rights reserved. Frank TALKER is also the author of Sweaty Socks: A Treatise on Toe Jam (East Cheam Press: Groper Books, 1997) and is University of Bullshit Professor Emeritus of Madeupology.

Saturday, 14 April 2007

Blair Fails to Recognise Black Church Efforts on Gang Culture

'BLACK CHRISTIAN leaders... criticised Prime Minister Tony Blair for failing to recognise the work... black communities and especially black churches are doing to tackle criminal gangs'. You get this usual naive nonsense from UK Blacks. Whites are never going to 'recognise the work that black communities... are doing to tackle criminal gangs', for the simple reason that this would deprive Whites of a stick to beat Blacks with. People who claim the right to scapegoat others are never going to sacrifice anything that They can use against those They scapegoat. This metaphysical fact Blacks evade at the cost to Their lives and those of Their children, since such an evasion would mean trusting Whites and, thereby, rendering oneself vulnerable to life depriving Whites. It is a fundamentally dangerous philosophy that can only benefit Whites; while leaving many Blacks dead. If Blacks say Whites aren't doing enough to recognise the racists in Their own midst, Whites say: "Nonsense". As They did when the new head of the National Union of Teachers last week said that the UK education system was institutionally racist. It was also recently claimed that claiming schools institutionally racist is "not helpful". In reality, it is statements like this that are not helpful since they evade the problem: And "Nonsense" isn't even a properly constructed argument. This is typical of Whites claiming that facing reality is not helpful – only facing White Reality: Which is, what we say is right; what you say is wrong. It is not facing the cause of problems which is the perpetuator of problems – as those who live in denial know - no matter their lying statements to the contrary. The White Press is never going to report the positive things Blacks do – as such – since that effectively and affectively prevents Whites from using Blacks as scapegoats for Their cultural and psychiatric failings. If a Black does well (eg, Dame Kelly Holmes), Whites claim this is because of White Culture; if a Black does badly, Whites say this is because of Black Culture. The clear meaning being: White Culture good; Black Culture bad. When was the last time you saw a White praise a Black without claiming some – or all – of the credit for the success They are praising? The Reverend Katei Kirby, Chief Executive of the African and Caribbean Evangelical Alliance, said: 'It is unfortunate, however, that the Prime Minister failed to recognise the proactive and measurable contribution of Black Christian communities in tackling these issues'. Of course not, where are the votes from Whites in Whites pointing out anything positive about Blacks? The Black Failure here is to refuse to recognise that White Politicians – in a democracy - make statements designed to appeal to the majority (Whites) and not the minority (Blacks). The same is also true of the White Media.

Article copyright © 2007 Frank TALKER. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute it electronically and in print; provided that mention of the author’s Weblog ( is included: E mail notification requested. All other rights reserved. Frank TALKER is also the author of Sweaty Socks: A Treatise on Toe Jam (East Cheam Press: Groper Books, 1997) and is University of Bullshit Professor Emeritus of Madeupology.

Thursday, 5 April 2007

A Dry White Season

This is a fine piece of concise journalism that BLINK is rarely capable of. Someone who well knows his history and how to apply the relevant facts to the relevant ethical arguments. Whites are only concerned with Blacks insofar as They affect the lives of Whites. It matters not the relative demerits of the various Black African Leaders – only that They do or do not affect White Interests. This is true for everyone, of course – but only Whites pretend that they are ethically consistent when They clearly aren't. Whites can get away with this con trick by virtue of the simple fact that the Whites They spread this racist propaganda to are as racist and as unethical as They Themselves are. Whites are always preaching to the converted, after all; that is, to Themselves. All of the above are designed to conceal the fact of White neo imperialism. 'The people of Zimbabwe need and desire regime change, but they know no amount of slavering from Britain's media at the prospect of a revolution will bring this reality closer... '...Violent upheaval could mean black blood flowing on the streets of Harare, and black lives being lost'. That's precisely the point. Whites aren't going to put Their own lives where They claim Their ethical imperatives are. This explains why the British media is 'slavering' rather than proposing anything practical. The old "send a gunboat" policy formerly used to pacify (Black) natives no longer works and can no longer be afforded by Western countries with more financial problems than you can shake a stick at.

Article copyright © 2007 Frank TALKER. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute it electronically and in print; provided that mention of the author’s Weblog ( is included: E mail notification requested. All other rights reserved. Frank TALKER is also the author of Sweaty Socks: A Treatise on Toe Jam (East Cheam Press: Groper Books, 1997) and is University of Bullshit Professor Emeritus of Madeupology.