A Stand Against the New Barbarism
The New Barbarism blames the victims for their own condition and so tries to justify White supremacy...
Art or science of government, especially governing a political entity, such as a nation - and the administration of its internal and external affairs.
The New Barbarism blames the victims for their own condition and so tries to justify White supremacy...
The world revolves around them...
How Whites evades their various issues with Blacks...
Only just!
Whites will always fear their betters more than ever be put into words...
RATING: | 60% |
FORMAT: | Book |
Interesting book about Whites and their inability to find a means of effectively helping the Third World; resulting from the White inability to see beyond the profound institutional limitations of both Foreign Aid or Military Intervention - and, indeed, their own limited culture.
Because it is written by a White, he is unable to be honest about the endemic malice and condescension of Whites toward non-Whites. Generalized vindictiveness that causes them to create poverty-reduction plans Whites know are not going to work: Plans designed to disincentivize large-scale migration of Third World poor and to prevent non-Whites from becoming economic competitors in global Capitalism. The War on Terror makes things worse because Whites imagine (as they do regarding their own countries’ crime rates) that terrorism is caused by poverty. That the causes of terrorism are actually the self-same foreign intervention (supposedly designed to alleviate poverty) is conveniently and deliberately elided.
The book also fails to compare - in depth - Foreign Aid with Domestic Welfare such that the similar reasons for the failure of both remain unilluminated. Moreover, White guilt and White narcissism are not assigned their due place in explaining why Whites want to save the world, but have no plan for saving the world from Whites. Whites wish to recreate the world in their own image and so fantasize about being Aryan supermen: The only kind of people Whites imagine can achieve such goals. Utopian for Whites; Dystopian for everyone else. Rather than look at the actual problems of others, Whites choose to see others only in comparison to themselves; presenting a distorted view of objective reality.
The author’s political naivety stems from a belief in the essential goodness of Whites, a belief that only Whites, themselves, possess. As well as their neurotic inability to divorce Intentions from Acts such that preaching what to do becomes a greater goal than actually doing anything. Whites seek a mirror in which to permanently admire themselves; ignoring the suffering they claim to be alleviating as the only means of evading their own inner emptiness. This is why Whites rarely focus on outcomes but on intentions, since positive outcomes are harder to find.
The author’s realization that self-directed and organic development is the only way forward for the world’s poor (as practiced in the First World) is likely to go unheeded. Detested Whites (like Bob Geldof & Bono) are far too keen to publicly remain at the center of their own vain pipe-dreams of sainthood than they are to actually listen to the poor. Helping the world’s poor by funding the poor’s own ideas for development - since the poor are the only people who understand the situation on the ground because of their daily experience of it - keeps Whites from hogging the limelight and, hence, is not favored by them.
Man of many parts...
RATING: | 40% |
Average looking and skinny White girls chewing on each other’s exquisite lady-parts: Some moaning in sexual pleasure more convincingly than others.
Firm, well-developed titties and sweet suckable nipples are well to the fore, but the acting is as poor as the lesbian science-fiction satire. And why do White pornographers keep thinking of sex as something filthy or dirty?
It will give you a semi-stiffy – to be getting on with – but do not expect much more from a movie that thinks sensations are a lot more important than fulfilling sensual pleasure.
RATING: | 60% |
Somewhat amusing satire on the superficiality, social inadequacy, lack of imagination, anomie, ennui, spiritual emptiness, the emotional repression and the violent tendencies of Whites - and their fundamental desire to preserve a way of life that is inherently miserable for fear of the hard work involved in any suitable alternative. The movie works quite well as metaphor for the War on Terror and Globalization and their attendant paranoias by suggesting that without a generalized fear and ignorance of unknown others there would be no way of life worth preserving.
Overall, however, this movie never really gets beyond being an example of the very things it satirizes. The best it can manage is the Hippie dream of a reversion to childhood and the resultant drapetoresponsia.
RATING: | 80% |
Engaging film about White moral evasion in the face of the underlying White supremacy of their culture and its effects on their ability to be happy and that of others simply to continue existing. Here, Whites retreat into a literal fantasy Eden in order to banish thoughts of the real world from their desired carefree existences.
Film is also about the White emotional control needed to live within the political limitations of a culture as ethically-limited as White culture; conforming their emotions and friendships to the prevailing political orthodoxy, such that Whites appear as hollow-eyed in their personal relationships as they do in their political ones.
White politics makes personal relationships impossible because of this desired emotional repression, since Whites have to conflate the Personal with the Political to achieve social acceptance; making Fascism an inevitably White psychological illness and morbid obsession. By abandoning the needs and benefits of the Family to those of the State, Whites doom themselves to La Gabbia.
Fascinating as a companion-piece to Il Conformista.
RATING: | 80% |
FORMAT: | DVD (Cut version: UK) |
Interesting and subtle film about the destruction wrought by White supremacy and the self-destructive ways it produces in Whites.
RATING: | 80% |
FORMAT: | Book |
Amusing and accurate satire on non-Black culture.
RATING: | 80% |
FORMAT: | Cinema |
A movie that makes White men look like sexual savages and White women like accomplices in their own rape.
A clever thriller that questions whether there are clear enough distinctions between criminals and bystanders.
RATING: | 20% |
Tedious, White-appeasing, condescending, oleaginous and White supremacist.
RATING: | 80% |
Hardly surprising that a self-contradictory hypothesis like Evolution (Random Mutation & Natural Selection contradict each other since they do not resolve the issue of whether mutations are based on luck or survival fitness) should produce such a confused movie.
Claims that Nature is brutish and purposeless and that survival at all costs is all that matters to species is self-evident nonsense since few species predate and devour each other. Such a claim is more a matter of White pseudo-intellectuals projecting and displacing their own violence onto the rest of the world: The so-called ‘Universal struggle for Life’. One wonders if Darwin’s ideas about Natural Selection are nothing more than an intuitive response to selective breeding of livestock practised by humans rather than the voyage of the Beagle - despite the fact that such breeding does not lead to an evolutionary improvement in the species so bred, but to inbreeding. (Darwin’s marriage to his own first cousin being a prime example.)
Because Christians have always been uncivilised in their attempts to force others to their will - because they lack the very civility they wish to inculcate in others - it follows that Darwin is seized upon by atheists as a contrary explanation for the existence of life on Earth in a desperate attempt to refute god. The false conflict between Science and Religion is merely the attempt to aggrandize both - but has failed since both are still triumph in the modern world. It is possible to claim that god created Evolution such that Darwin’s theories do not kill god - as claimed here.
There is no suggestion here that since the publication of Origin of Species in 1859, the evidence for the existence of a process called Evolution should be so scant as to call its very existence into question, despite its unquestioned acceptance by most of Western culture; making this no more than propaganda for a barely credible pseudo-scientific belief. Strip away all the White political hocus-pocus and you have a hypothesis that is no more than a self-fulfilling prophecy: The fit survive because they are the fittest to survive. A statement of the obvious that does not qualify as the “biggest single idea in the history of thought” - especially when some mutations are not beneficial to survival, such as humans with six fingers, but which does not harm the possessors.
Paul BETTANY is excellent as always and the relationship between himself and his screen daughter (Martha WEST) is well-handled; revealing - better than his relationship with his wife - the life of the mind that he pursued. His daughter turns out to be far more perspicacious than he about the human soul as she is written to be his conscience; constantly commenting on the action of the drama as often as she is an integral part of it. She is, in fact, what this movie is all about.
Emotionally, this film is an impressive achievement; scientifically, it is little more than quackery.
RATING: | 80% |
Apart from the usual White whining and overt moral degeneracy that happens when Whites experience a regular Western recession that they have caused, this is an excellent exposé of Wal-Mart. Their business model is so short-term that one wonders how they have become so rich. But one does not wonder why they are so popular. The obvious answer is that their prices are so low that they are popular with the millions of US poor: ‘Plantation Capitalism’ backed up by the fallacy of trickle-down Capitalism.
The question this documentary does not answer is why Whites are so obsessed with making money that they forget to have a reason for making the money in the first place. What, after all, is the point of being a billionaire if you have no real human relationships to make that money meaningful? Is it just so they can be lonely in comfort?
The so-called Race Card is useless to Blacks - it only works for Whites...
Whites are self-absorbed, so do not care...
The mental impoverishment of Whites...
White guilt makes Whites blind to their own White supremacy...
What Whites do to shift the blame for their degeneracy...
Whites believe Blacks lack self-control because White supremacy makes Blacks angry, yet Whites lack the same self-control with issues such as pedophilia or terrorism...
In an Institutionally Racist culture, only Whites can be perfect victims...
This would not be the case if they were not so obsessed with holding on to White privilege.
The White default in action...
Whites know no other game other than the one they will always play...
Good primer on White news...
Words of wisdom...
Very funny stuff, indeed!
This phallus symbolizes the model's obsession with the penis and her lifelong quest to achieve vaginal orgasm: