Friday, 15 October 2004


Blacks shouldn’t be surprised by the higher rate of school exclusions of Blacks - by Whites - in Southwark.

Lazy White teachers won’t waste their careers teaching those who don’t conform to their standards of what a good student is: White, quiet, middle-class, unquestioning and industrious. White teachers can earn little kudos from Black students because these students are less likely to take part in the examinations’ charade from which White teachers derive an increasing proportion of their income. This makes Blacks the new dunces sitting in the corner with ‘D’ Caps on their heads waiting to be excluded for taking up too much usable space.

(Exams are a charade because for the past 22 years more students have received ‘A’ Level pass grades every year. Students are either getting brighter - year-on-year - or exams are getting easier. Maybe Whites’ve put intelligence-increasing supplements in school dinners – although not for those who receive free schools meals, of course; that would give the indigent ideas above their station! For Blacks, this means it’s easier than ever to do well within the Whites’ education system since it’s dumbing itself down. Blacks can now lower their academic expectations to the level of the Whites and do very well indeed - without lowering their political and economic aspirations as well.)

White teachers obtain no bonuses (& Whites are fundamentally motivated by money) from teaching those where more teaching effort is required to convince Black students that a racist White Culture is worth having anything to do with. And, where more effort is required to promote the vain White attempt to overcome the endemic racism of their culture which the education system these White teachers inhabit supports. It’s all too easy simply to give up on those whose skin is darker than one’s own (&/or whose social class is supposedly inferior) than to do what teachers are there for: Help others help themselves. But, this isn’t a fundamental tenet of White Society. Blacks can expect nothing from White teachers who pretend they’re not prone to the ingrained effects of a fundamentally-racist culture; while usually failing abysmally in the pretence and then excluding Blacks because of their own White, racial failings.

Black students also have little empathy for a White, racially-based National Curriculum that regards Black experience (particularly during the North Atlantic Slave Trade, the British Empire & now) as completely irrelevant. Blacks realise Whites are desperately trying to evade their guilt about the fact that the present large accumulations of White, Western capital were created on the back of the exploitation, murder, rape and plunder of Black lives and countries. When Blacks demand reparations and apologies for the various White-induced holocausts of history, they’re making a profound mistake. They should, instead, be asking that Whites say ‘Thank You’ to Blacks for single-handedly generating present-day White affluence and wealth – Whites would never’ve got rich any other way. But Whites, being what they are, never say ‘Thank You’ to anyone because they think unearned privilege is a birthright.

White teachers are as frightened of Black students as Whites are frightened of Blacks in the wider culture. White teachers are no more immune to racism than anyone else; especially as the universities that produce them (like the vast majority of Whites) would much rather preach anti-racism in the abstract world than practice it in the real. Was it ever thus: Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.

What Whites really want is to abolish compulsory education so that only White, middle-class students are ever taught; making White teachers easy lives even easier. Such students are placed under endless pressure from their inappropriately-aggressive White parents to do well at school or face the prospect of undertaking the jobs the poor do or, worse, that Whites want deliberately uneducated Blacks to do. It’s not the education they receive that makes White students stressed-out and suicidal in UK schools, it’s the fear of losing parental approval for not doing as well as either the Blacks or the poor that does. Because Black parents don’t usually emotionally blackmail their own children in this way, it’s unlikely Black kids will experience this demotivating kind of bullying – a kind of bullying worse than any experienced at school. Blacks will then be better able to focus on schoolwork, should they then choose state education. Orientals, Jews and Asians have done this, so Blacks can too. Unless, of course, Blacks really are as racially inferior as Whites love to claim. Blacks need to prove to themselves (not to Whites) what Blacks can achieve, to avoid the usual White, politicised interference in Black lives. It’s the White insistence that Blacks prove themselves to Whites - without reciprocity or justification – that’s exactly analogous to White parental bullying (albeit across racial and not generational lines), which forms the bedrock of the institutional racism of UK state education.

Lazy White teachers try to justify their pedagogic sloth by claiming they’re overwhelmed with paperwork. But then, they’ve always claimed this no matter what the weight of red tape; while boasting about how nice it is to have such long school holidays. Like the UK Police Service, indolent White teachers always claim the problem is too much paperwork rather than too much racism.

The Dianne Abbot solution to the White-created problem of racial exclusion means sending Black kids to independent schools. (Despite her suck-up-to-the-White-Man blather, Ms Abbott knows that state education for Blacks is a no-no for the very simple reason that the state, itself, is institutionally racist. (Jewish parents ain’t gonna send their kids to a school that begins each day with a rousing rendition of ‘Das Horst Vessel Lied’, after all.) The other solution is homeschooling.

Such solutions also make it more likely that Blacks will go into education themselves - to help educate their fellow Blacks - to overcome the White sanctioning of Blacks doing relatively poorly in White schools. Without them, White teachers will continue to offer Blacks substandard education in revenge for Blacks not integrating with Whites because Blacks have little respect for White Culture, as such. Nor respect for one that believes integration can be forced - any more than friendship or love can.

At the end of the day, Whites won’t educate Blacks to compete effectively with their own White offspring in a job market Whites see as increasingly competitive (& which is already skewed against Blacks for this very reason). Whites know themselves very well (every man knows where his own shoes pinch, after all) and aren’t as in-denial about their racism as to not know that history operates like a pendulum. That those Whites favoured now can very easily turn into those Blacks favoured later.

For Whites, their education system is the most important means of proving to themselves that Blacks are inferior. (This is why White so-called scientists love to point out failure among Black children; while avoiding any and all Black adult success. Such success would contradict their racially-motivated pseudo-research.) Whites hope this means White employers are less likely to employ Blacks because Blacks are intentionally educated both to be poorly qualified and to have successfully internalised the common White view of innate Black inferiority.


lou sid linesman said...

I have just read your perceptive piece on UK Education and was interested to read your observation that, instead of being made to apologize for the North Atlantic Slave Trade, white people should thank black people for having generated wealth for white people - I agree with this view and, coincidentally, have recently made a similar point when writing about the question of reparations for slavery. Unless one has inadvertently bumped into someone in the street, to say "sorry", or to be forced to do so, requires a submission to guilt that is negative and retrospective - whereas to recognise someone's achievement is positive and anticipates the possibility of future co-operation. Naturally, white people do not want to have to submit to black people and get a (very, very slight) taste of their own suppressive medicine - even though white people have more than asked for such treatment. "Sorry" is a word that one uses instinctively at the moment of realising an error - 150 years after the event it just sounds insincere!

Whilst I was in the launderette the other day, I met a black Canadian woman who claimed that, unlike black Britons, black Americans had an identity, because their contribution to American success had been recognised and because they had been duly rewarded. Although I understand that black Americans are more commonly successful than black Britons, and although I have never been to America, I doubt whether this success is as common as the woman would have had me believe and whether the common ‘success' of which she spoke is, in fact, possible without trading in a typically black identity for a typically white one - I am especially doubtful about her assertions since she professed herself to be a vehement anti-Muslim, who even considered Arab children to be legitimate targets for American bombs and bullets. The woman also claimed that, like herself, most black Americans were supporters of President Bush. If black Americans really do identify with the ‘values' which this particular woman holds, I am sure that black Britons would do better to eschew this kind of ‘success' where it is conditional on being bought off by the white establishment and obtaining an identity of which one cannot be proud. For example, regardless of a civil servant's talent and promotion, he has the identity of a hypocrite if he has compromised his values and has turned a blind eye to acts of institutional corruption and racism in order to safeguard his position and salary - to do otherwise normally leads to disciplinary action when working in the public sector. Of course, this does not mean that independent black people are not genuinely successful on (and by) their own terms. The woman, to whom I refer, seemed to be confusing the notion of ‘social status' with ‘identity'. Someone of low social status can have a strong identity and real values - and vice versa.

For your interest, I herewith attach my own thoughts on reparations for the North Atlantic Slave Trade - the African Apocalypse.

I have also attached two of my recent poems - one on the subject of education/development and one on the subject of gratitude!

Reparations & Apologies

If another driver's reckless behaviour were to cause an accident which resulted in a white person's motor car being irreparably damaged, I am sure that he would be the first to demand compensation (because we live in a compensation culture and we expect to be reimbursed for losses for which we do not consider ourselves responsible), so why does he not recognise that black people's claims for reparations are not ‘ridiculous', but completely legitimate in the context of the society in which we currently live?

Although a small minority of Africans must have been guilty of complicity in the slave-trade and a large majority of slaves must have been taken from tribes who were less prepared to defend their freedom than were more fierce tribes, this does not absolve highly armed white Europeans of responsibility for the humongous level of slave-trading in Africa, for the abduction, imprisonment and forced-transportation of many tens of millions of Africans over a period of several centuries - not to mention the extraordinarily inhumane treatment that the slaves had to endure during their enslavement, which resulted in many millions of them being murdered. To summarise: if some cunt decides to drive a 40 tonne lorry down the wrong side of the road, directly at one's car (and one is not sufficiently prepared, alert nor in possession of sufficiently quick reactions to avoid being crushed in a head-on collision), it is BLOODY RIDICULOUS to claim that the afore-mentioned person is not in the wrong and not responsible for the ensuing carnage - one can only be blamed for the naïveté of assuming that everyone is reasonable and for being unprepared for the occasional disastrous eventuality which can form the reality of travel.

European slaves did not receive compensation from the Roman Empire and, as a result, Europeans ultimately became a stronger and more ingenious people - since, having sacked Rome (several times), they had to build from absolutely nothing. However, it is worth noting that it took over 1000 years for Europe to emerge from the Dark Ages and then most of the next 500 years to construct a civilisation that, in terms of scale, technology and subjugation, was comparable to that of the Romans. The fact that, having gained a technological edge (from progress during the Dark Ages), Europeans used this edge to carve up and consume most of the rest of the globe, negates the value of most of their so-called ‘achievements'.

The Roman Empire did not mature from the state of being a slave-based economy and, except for the Byzantine Empire, in the Eastern Mediterranean, suffered rapid terminal decline - unless the present day Western economies truly renounce the slavery, which still exists in every country, they will suffer the same ignominious fate as did the Romans. Let us not pretend that New York has not already been sacked and has not already seen the same great plumes of smoke rising above its ruins.

It is natural that African rebels, in countries such as Sierra Leone and Angola, have destroyed the old colonial government buildings and Western financed infrastructure - they were not the architects of that civilisation and they neither value these constructions nor perceive in them any intrinsic purpose other than that of exploitation. Similarly, the repatriated farmlands of South Africa and Zimbabwe will not, at first, be as productive as they were previously, when under the management and ownership of the European farmers - but without the opportunity and necessity for practising such skills there is absolutely no prospect of improving them.

Although I doubt whether it will take Africa as long as 1500 years to become a significant world economic power, European history gives an indication as to the immensity of the mountain that Africans must learn to climb for themselves - and so long as Africans continue to make the mistake of accepting Western helicopter airlifts to higher positions on that mountain than they have attained by their own efforts and knowledge, they will continue to be left stranded and starving on ledges from which there is neither the prospect of returning to safety nor the opportunity of advancing to greater heights. Moreover, the people of Africa may well wish to climb a separate, more lofty, mountain than the one conquered by Europeans and which afforded the ugly prospect of the evil of the slave-trade.

Compensation (however justifiable the claim) is a mistake, because it prevents one from being intimately aware of the true and exact location of rock bottom reality - on which sound lives and civilisations must base their foundations. What purpose is there in struggling to propagate life which has neither the skill to avoid nor the power to defend itself against the reality of the annihilating onslaught of the juggernaut?

Compensation, like welfare benefits and international aid, fosters complacency and, if one allows it to offer a false protection against reality, will insidiously weaken the very spirit - instead of allowing reality to train and strengthen the soul.

Reparations for slavery are the teasing bait of white people who wish to ensnare and starve the spirit of black people. The campaign for reparations will only bring financial profit to the middle class lawyers (black and white), who are hired by ordinary black people in the pursuit of a hopelessly complex legal lawsuit - which will ultimately be judged by a product of the racist white establishment. In the unlikely event of a favourable judgement, it would be improbable that the money would reach the ordinary black person - because it would evaporate in the cauldrons of inefficiency and corruption, the institutional characteristics of all large organisations and governments. If handled by governments, the compensation money would probably end up back in the coffers of Western businesses - via the sales of expensive motor vehicles, other luxury goods and weaponry. To bring about reparations by means of an Act of Parliament would require this country to have a constituent black ethnic majority - whose taxes would then have to pay for the reparations! Only voluntary compensation would be valued - in the same way as one values and considers how to use money that is gifted by a loved one.

Jewish people have gained reparations largely as a consequence of their businesses evolving as a huge economic power base and this has given rise to the political force of the American Jewish Lobby - which even racists simply cannot ignore. The only ‘compensation' that any black people are likely win, is the cancellation of debts accrued by impoverished African countries because complacent Western banks have foolishly made loans to corrupt governments or to governments that were never in a position to make the required repayments. These banks could hardly entertain the thought of taking seizing the lands and resources of these defaulting states - could they?

Surely the average black person does not want compensation or apologies for crimes committed by the forefathers of white people - he simply expects recognition; he expects white people to recognize that slavery was wrong; he expects white people to recognise his right to co-exist as a human being; he expects to be able to go to the bank and secure a loan without being viewed as a criminal; he expects to be offered employment when he is the most suitable candidate for the post (and thus be in a realistic position to achieve wealth and to repay debts); he expects to be able to enter wealthy European countries (which all have declining populations) and to settle without aggravation and discrimination.

No immigrant to this country should be branded as illegal and be denied the opportunity of earning an income - unless they chose to accept engagement in the ‘black' economy of ‘slave labour' or turn to crime. Immigrants to this country must take the worst jobs before being be granted entry by white people. In the United States, many Africans are joining the Marines (and going to fight in Iraq) in order to acquire the automatic US citizenship that is obligatory on passing out of the Academy.

White people are afraid to admit that, in the past, the enforcement of certain laws was immoral - because they are equally afraid of a similar examination of current legislation and the immorality of its current enforcement.

White people should not apologize for their past failures, but recognise their present failures and THANK black people for having such ‘high' expectations of white people and for refusing to tolerate such low standards of behaviour.

lou sid linesman said...
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lou sid linesman said...
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Frank TALKER™ said...

It occurred - so long after the event - to check whether anyone had posted any comments to my Weblog. For some reason I thought - not being very good at all newfangled computer stuff - I’d receive e-mails telling me if anyone had responded. Needless to say, I never did.

However, upon checking the other day I did find some comments - mostly by your good self.

Your comments as perceptive as you claim mine are - so there!

I should like to make a few comments about your thoughts and I sincerely apologise for my tardiness in this matter.

I particularly liked the idea of many blacks confusing ‘social status' with ‘identity' in order to get around the idea that they had no identity except in what they believe to be white eyes. I’d never thought of this before and I must admit to being a shameless plagiarist, so I’m gonna nick it from you. One can't copyright an idea, so I should be free f the worry of legal action from you - unless you know English law better than I do, which I certainly hope you don't.

Your idea of Black claims for reparations for slavery being consistent with the present compensation culture is an excellent tongue-in-cheek way of exposing White Hypocrisy on this issue. Regardless of whether said reparations are a good or a bad idea or not.

It’s interesting how so many Whites evade their guilt feelings - feelings they shouldn't possess because slavery isn't within living memory - by claiming Blacks are just as much to blame for their own enslavement. Presumably, by this logic, rape victims are as much to blame for their being attacked. As if moral judgement were no more than quantifiable accountancy and if the other side behaves just as badly as we do then we're not really so bad, after all.

Your comments about Europeans carving up and consuming most of the rest of the globe and, thus, negating the value of most of their so-called achievements is precisely why so many present-day Whites feel guilty about slavery and their various European empires. They know that their present wealth is built on the blood of black men and that they still possess the same mindset that initiated the African carnage of which you speak. They daren't face this simple fact.

I disagree that the repatriated farmlands of southern Africa will ever be any better use made of them than the European settlers. History strongly suggests that when empires decline (as your comments about the dark ages imply) the former colonies also decline and do not rise-phoenix-like from the ashes. Blacks will abuse their own lands a la Robert Mugabe - in a bizarre ritual of masochistic self-mortification for having let the white invader take him for a ride in the first place. Such people allowed whites to convince them they're inferior and so they act accordingly. Is there not in most blacks a secret desire to be white and a secret admiration for their racist foes?

You’re right that all aid to black countries is simply neo- and crypto-slavery since it affords no opportunity for learning from one's own mistakes or of standing upon one's own feet. However, you neglect to mention that dependency works both ways. White culture is a culture of making money from exploiting those more ignorant than oneself whom one can keep in ignorance in order to continue generating the profits from their ignorance. Without the ignorant, whites would be the poorer since they'd have no one then to bamboozle. This is why whites in the UK deliberately provide the lower-class with a poor education to ensure a nation of ignorant, effective slaves. Such slaves must consult trained specialists to do even the most mundane acts; for example, plumbing, legal work, automobile repair, etc. This, coupled with social policies purportedly designed to ameliorate the very social conditions whites need to create in order to feel superior such as the bureaucratically top-heavy welfare state you lambaste. Because social welfare doesn't work, both social snobbery and anti-snobbery are simply job-creation schemes for the middle-class.

The basic problem with invading any country that owes you money and asset-striping it is that the invasion costs would most likely far outstrip any income gained.

It’s naive for blacks to expect whites to recognise their human rights, since they never have. Rights have to be fought for by each succeeding generation to avoid political complacency; rights are not metaphysical givens and, if not enforced, then they can never be said to truly exist. For whites to admit that racism is wrong would be the same as Fidel Castro admitting that communism doesn't work or the pope admitting that there is no god. It ain't gonna happen.

lou sid linesman said...


I'm glad that you liked some of my ideas - feel free to nick 'em, I'm always using yours! Writing on these sort of subjects (although motivated by a desire to solve one's own problems) must surely be for the general good - unless one wishes to profit from racism, for example.

Anonymous said...

The woman also claimed that, like herself, most black Americans were supporters of President Bush.

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