“It is of the highest importance in the art of detection to be able to recognise out of a number of facts which are incidental and which are vital... I would call your attention to the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.”“The dog did nothing in the night-time.”“That was the curious incident.” Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), English author. Sherlock Holmes and Inspector Gregory, in The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, “Silver Blaze” (1893).
White Racists always claim you cannot prove Whites – as such - racist. (They do this to conceal Their own racism, of course.) Just for fun, let Frank TALKER beguile you with some lateral thinking that, for most of you, will be old-hat. Let us see if those who think They are cleverer than the darker-skinned among us can provide logical refutations to what you are about to read. Like the recent birth of twins - one black; one white - the chances of this are at least a million-to-one (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=377839&in_page_id=1770&in_a_source=&ct=5).
Firstly, nobody has to prove someone a racist – they only have to possess reasonable suspicion and act accordingly; which is to say, warily. If Whites do not like this then They might like to consider acting as ambassadors for Their own race if They truly wish Whites to be respected – as a whole. And we all know that Whites are famous for Their oxymoronic gunboat diplomacy. It is inherently unjust to judge a race by the behaviour of its minorities rather than by its majority. Thus, the following bullet-points are designed to prove the majority of whites racist and so deserving of being treated as such.
Secondly, anyone is perfectly entitled to act out of belief - especially when personal survival is at stake. (If this were not so, the religious among us would have no right to speak or act.) Whites, after all, claim that killing innocent civilians to protect the rest of us from terrorism is acceptable on exactly the same basis of belief – as opposed to reason and/or facts. Without accepting that belief is sometimes stronger than logic - in extremis - we condemn the entire policy of belief in the absence of concrete evidence to support our beliefs. Again, tThis would entirely invalidate religious belief, for example, which note, even non-atheists aren’t prepared to do.
As you judge people by what they do, you also judge them by what they do not do. So, let us look at what They (The White Race) do not do. Here is where Blacks get the problem of race-relations the wrong way about. They think that you judge a man solely by what he does. However, you also judge men by what they do not do, which they should be doing in light of what they actually do - and say they do. The fight for legal civil rights for Blacks only dealt with overt racism; now the race-war must focus on covert ethnocentrism.
The fact of the matter is that with issues regarding bad human behaviour – like racism – it’s important to recognise that such behaviour works best if one is unaware of it. The intended victim is lulled into a false sense of racial security; the racist’s poor behaviour never comes into sharp focus in his own mind because it’s institutional nature makes it appear normal and right. The only reason Whites try to hide Their racism is not because They recognise its immorality but because They don’t want to ruin Their career prospects if They’re caught being racist. (For a racist, racism is only wrong if he gets caught!) This leads to a focus not on eradicating racist behaviour but upon concealing it. This is why bad attitudes are best revealed by what is not done rather than by what is done, since what you’re looking for is the very thing they try to conceal; making it harder to find. And yet what they try to hide is always revealed by what they do not do since, if they weren’t bad people, they would be doing good, instead.
With all this firmly in mind, here are some juicy examples of activities Whites don’t engage in which They should given Their alleged commitment to challenging Their own inbred racist attitudes. Frank TALKER humbly offers them for your certain delectation:
Whites never come out and openly and freely admit that They need the help of Blacks in the so-called War on Terror. To make such an admission would be to admit White dependency on Blacks that would prove that Whites are not as superior as They would like to think of Themselves as being. Whites instead opt for the age-old, tired and trusted-and-true method of trying to persecute Blacks in the hope that this will frighten Them into not threatening White communities with high explosives. Of course, such racism only makes such terrorism more – not less – likely.
Given that there are so many Whites who claim that racism is such a bad thing, why are there none who have renounced a job as a result of realising that They had got that job more because They were white (& White) than because They were the best candidate for that job? Whites don’t do this because They don’t want to admit that it’s true. That would then mean that They are either racist as such or merely complicit in racism – both of which are more or less the same thing because they lead to the same result. Whites would rather live with Their race guilt than ever conceive of packing a job in because of its racist nature. They believe that the guilt can be overcome by the pretence at a pro-diversity stance.
Whites never admit that when They commit atrocities against races or peoples, it’s nearly always voluntarily. But when Blacks do it, it is nearly always because They’ve been coerced into it. This proves that Whites know that what They do is wrong, and are trying to engage in an ethical bypass of that very wrongness with the Classic White Moral Evasion as “I was only following orders!” It also proves that Blacks who commit atrocities but don’t blame it on orders believe that what They do is right and that They have a perfect right to act badly. Either way, Blacks are nothing like as bad moral evaders. The Lords’ Resistance Army, for example, committed its atrocities largely through forcing its captives to kill others or be killed themselves. But it’s hard to find an example of a White who’s been forced into a killing spree at the point of a gun; proving that Whites do this willingly and without the necessity of compulsion or compunction. This proves the essential sickness at the heart of White Culture. This is because White Culture is a socially-conformist culture and such cultures are always inherently National Socialist.
Whites never admit that They’re perfectly prepared to accept the legacies of the past that They can use to label Themselves as good – like improved sanitation & healthcare. But refuse to face the bad legacies of the past – like racism & emotional repression. The tv series What the Victorians Did for Us is a classic example of this since it elides the bad in favour of the good as if only the good can ever be a legacy of anything. In which case, why are there just as many bad people today – proportionally - as there has always been?
Whites will never admit that they use Their widespread concealment and denial of Their racism as a form of emotional blackmail. This is to say that Whites will use such camouflage – if successful – to blame Blacks for not integrating nor trusting Whites. That is, “Trust us, now! (Or else!)”. Problem is, of course, is that you can suppress a fact but you can’t suppress the fact that you are obviously suppressing a fact. (This is revealed when Whites try to explain Their behaviour with self-contradictions.) And it is this fact that makes Whites inherently suspicious and distrustworthy.
Whites never complain about positive discrimination (affirmative action) for Whites – practised for centuries. But call it racism if Blacks practise and/or demand it.
Whites never admit that They can be institutionally racist when They're perfectly prepared to admit that They can be institutionally anything else. Alone, among all the political aspects of life, racism is a practice apart from all the others: Contextless, ineffective, non-existent. Call Whites institutionally class-conscious, They're perfectly happy to accept this, but not racist. Even racist organisations like the BNP (British National Party) claim not to be really racist! Whites are perfectly prepared to accept that one's childhood can determine one's adulthood but not that having racist parents can ever do the same. No White has ever gone on record to justify His racism by claiming it's because his parents were. Uniquely, They claim it was Their own choice. (How oddly similar to homosexuals.)
Whites never like to admit that Their whining about Black Victimology is no more than a perfect example of White Victimology because all racists unjustifiably see Themselves as victims of anyone different from (ie, better than) Themselves.
Whites never admit that when They’re ostensibly talking about others, They’re really talking about Themselves. This can be seen when They criticise other cultures – it’s always in direct relation to Their own and not the standards of the culture They criticise.
Whites never admit that because the UK is institutionally racist, blacks have no incentive nor reason to be in any way patriotic towards a country that hates them.
Whites never admit that when They condemn Positive Discrimination for Blacks – but never de facto positive discrimination for Whites – Whites are being racist.
Whites never admit that there are no white whistleblowers of White Racism – only black ones. They refuse to admit this because that would reveal for all to see that Whites have no commitment to the policy of removing racists from Their ranks – because They covertly agree with the principles and practises of White Racism.
Whites never admit that Their whinging about 9/11 reflects Their view that White Deaths are always more important to Them than Black. Whites would certainly never invade another country, for example, just because a few thousand Blacks were killed.
Whites never admit that They refuse to change by claiming that They already have - although there is not a shred of evidence that They ever have. White Racism always becomes more evident in time of war - as it did against the so-called Yellow Peril during the Second World War - because the Japanese are not, never have been and are unlikely to become, white. This is why if a white has his head cut off by Raghead terrorists; this is proof of the inferiority of the terrorists’ culture. While if whites behave in a similar fashion, it’s no more than an isolated incident, not indicative of how wonderful white people really are. However, an ongoing string of so-called isolated incidents of racism equals a pattern of institutional racism that can only be designed by a madman - a White Schizophrenic. If Blacks do it once, then all blacks are like that; but Whites have to do it at least dozens of dozens of times before Whites run out of excuses for Their Institutionalising of Their racist double-standards.
Whites never admit Their hypocrisy even in the teeth of the evidence: http://www.guardian.co.uk/print/0,3858,4916455-103550,00.html
Whites refuse to admit that Their continuing problems in Iraq are the result of an illegal occupation, although Whites - if They had been occupied - would behave in exactly the same insurgent manner. This means Whites still believe Blacks are different in Their motivations and, therefore, in Their psychological and genetic makeup. Such refusals to admit White Racism are proof of ongoing White Racism.
There is no Racists’ Anonymous nor is there any psychiatric counselling offered to White Racists for Their psychological problems. Indeed, Whites stubbornly refuse to categorise racism as a distinct mental illness while – simultaneously - claiming that there is such a thing as Black Psychosis to justify Their locking-up more Blacks than Whites in mental institutions. This proves that Whites do not believe that White Racism is sufficient a problem to justify such activities when every Black knows otherwise from Their own experience. Every Black has had at least one experience of White Racism during Their stay in the UK. This amounts to some 4,800,000 people (8%) and so represents that many experiences. Far fewer whites, as a proportion of the population (92%) have had similar experiences. In comparison, all whites have had some experience of White Social Snobbery, which is why saying White Culture is institutionally class-obsessed is non-controversial - as all political artefacts are non-controversial to whites if they have ever experienced them. Because whites rarely experience racism at a personal level they, not unnaturally, assume it does not really exist and is, therefore, greatly exaggerated by Blacks. This proves the limitations of experience as a means of apprehending reality. And why Whites rely on experience - in the face of logic and the evidence of other people’s experience - to remain in-denial about the inherently-racist nature of their culture.
Whites never admit that Their accusations of Blacks having chips-on-Their-shoulders about White Racism are really claims that the actual experience of Blacks produces such chips. This denigrates all experience that Whites want to pretend doesn’t really happen. It also privileges White Experience: If you don’t come to terms with experience, it self-traumatises you; if you do, then it becomes a learning experience. Whites thus claim that Their experience does not produce chips-on-the-shoulder because Whites are genetically superior in Their response to experience than Blacks, who’re allegedly traumatised by the White Claim that They are. Such accusations are racist when applied to optimally-functioning human beings that actually do experience Institutional White Racism.
Whites never admit that only Whites ever say there is less racism now than in the past. Whites believe that this allows Whites to ignore Black claims to the contrary.
A man’s very highest moment is, I have no doubt at all, when he kneels in the dust, and beats his breast, and tells all the sins of his life. Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), Anglo-Irish playwright, author. De Profundis (1905), a letter to Lord Alfred Douglas following Wilde’s trial and imprisonment, written in prison.
Whites never admit that They have no personal stake whatsoever in playing the good host and helping Blacks integrate into the UK. Yet, Whites constantly blame Blacks for not integrating into a so-called culture that will never recognise Blacks as equals!
Whites can’t bring Themselves to admit that comments made by Blacks about Whites are more valid than those made by Whites about Blacks because Blacks know more Whites than Whites know Blacks.
Whites never admit the fact that the reason Blacks rarely praise Whites isn’t Nigger Ingratitude – as Whites would love to think – but White Racism.
Whites try very hard to explain the non-existence of a Black BNP (British National Party) - something They would like to exist as a vain means of proving the validity of racism, as such. Their constant claims that there is such a thing as inverted racism proves this. In other words, for example, if Blacks can be shown to be anti-Semitic, then Nazism (the ideology and practice of the Nazis, especially the policy of racist nationalism, national expansion and state control of the economy) - in Their twisted minds - instantly becomes justified because Blacks are doing it, too. (When Frank TALKER was at school, it was common practice for teachers to berate pupils who claimed that because one child was badly behaved, other children still couldn’t claim the false ethical-protection of such statements as: “He did it, too!” They were right, so this proves White Racists are those who have never yet left childhood behind.)
It is the confession, not the priest, that gives us absolution. Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), Anglo-Irish playwright, author. The Picture of Dorian Gray, chapter eight (1891).
Whites never admit that the absence of white whistleblowers for White Racism proves Whites lack commitment to the possibility of renouncing Their racism.
If blacks don’t need racial awareness training, what does this say about whites who do? It says that the reason whites resist calls for such training is because it automatically puts whites in the position of being required to learn something. Not just about their own racist attitudes, but learn this from blacks – whom they consider inferior (which is why such training is offered in the first place). To put it anther way, the denial of the need for such training is proof of the need for such training because it’s a denial that there’s any racial problem at all.
If racist Police Officers are very much in the minority – as racists in the general population are claimed to be, why are there so few whites blowing the whistle on racism in their midst? Surely, if racism were of declining influence, no White would ever fear losing his job for blowing the gaff? But They do, which proves that They know perfectly well that if They side with Blacks regarding racism, then They will be treated as Niggers are. This They fear because They recognise – as They simultaneously deny it – that White Culture is institutionally racist. In reality, whenever anyone proves institutional White Racism, they’re arrested – as we saw with the case of the BBC journalist who proved that Whites are still recruiting racists into Their Police Service (http://www.ipcc.gov.uk/news/pr040305_secretpoliceman; http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/3210614.stm; http://www.blink.org.uk/docs/secret_policeman.htm).
Whites never admit that they always judge the world from Their own point-of-view as in things allegedly being different after 9/11. But things are never different after events that happen to Blacks. Whites don’t want to admit Their own culpability for 9/11.
There are no situation comedies on tv dealing with the issue of racism as there used to be – Love Thy Neighbour and Till Death Us Do Part, for example. There are sitcoms about white men behaving badly, keeping up appearances and office life – all of which deal with prevalent contemporary issues – but none that whites will make dealing with their generalised disgust for blacks. Strange that!
Whites never admit that they have - historically - been the racist race.
There are things to confess that enrich the world, and things that need not be said. Joni Mitchell (born 1943), Canadian-born US singer, songwriter. Independent (London, 13 May 1988).
Whites never admit that because They are largely responsible for the culture in the UK, They are largely responsible for its ultimate failure that They choose to blame on immigrants.
Whites never admit that They have no sense-of-humour when their lives are threatened; yet when Blacks are killed, the Internet and the working man’s club is full of jokes about dying Negroes.
Whites never admit that racial minorities do not need the protection of the law. When they do, such as through the Race Relations Act, racial divisions become institutionalised by authorities keen to act as “neutral” arbitrators and thus sustain existing divisions.
Whites never admit They had to pass a law – the Race Relations Act – to try to remind Themselves that Blacks are human, too. It’s a tacit admission that Whites didn’t – and still don’t – know this, since this law hasn’t been repealed because it’s still seen as being needed – even by in-denial Whites. Without the existence of White Racism, there would’ve been no need for such a law.
There’s never any mention of a successful person’s skin colour if they are white. For example, there are two types of author: Successful Authors & Successful Black Authors. This is the same when a successful person originates from the lower-classes - as if being born Black or being born poor makes success so unlikely that this single fact of one’s birth circumstances is worthy of mention. No white can explain this obsession with an individual’s past, rationally. This makes it obvious that Whites believe that character is nothing; birth circumstances everything. This proves Whites are institutionally racist by virtue of the very fact that they experience cognitive dissonance when trying to analyse Their own assumptions about others and, particularly, Themselves. It also proves that Whites - although They refuse to openly admit this - believe that Their skin colour is the default skin colour of the human race. Despite the fact that whites are a global minority (25%) and the fact that the first human remains were found in Africa and so the first humans must have been black.
We only confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no big ones. François, Duc de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680), French writer, moralist. Sentences et Maximes Morales, number 327 (1678).
Whites never admit that They only ever engage in any activity for personal benefit (being mercantilists rather than true capitalists). This is proven by the fact that no White Political Activity in at least the past 500 years ever solely benefited any one, or any other, race.
Whites never come out and express Their open disdain for either the British Empire or the North-Atlantic Slave Trade. Need Frank TALKER say more? Well, OK. Yes He does. The current wealth of the UK - now below that of the Chinese - is based solely upon both systems of mercantilism. Mercantilism is distinguished from capitalism in that it is based on a concept of trade where one side gains and the other loses. Such a system can never work unless backed-up by military force. Note the similarities with today’s White Use-Of-Force in those countries whose inhabitants have darker skins than the Whites. As well as Their unchanged concept of trade, which claims that Wogs must open their markets, but that Whites can still enforce tariffs on the free movement of people, goods and capital. In contradistinction, capitalism is the concept of trade in its true sense: A mutually beneficial exchange between grown-ups where - by definition - both sides benefit. Clearly, therefore, Whites still wish to maintain Their former Empires behind such things as the so-called war-on-terror, The Commonwealth and foreign aid. This proves They have not understood capitalism any more than They have understood democracy. Both of which They falsely claim to have been practising for many centuries; hence, Their sanctimonious and pompous belief that they are fit and proper persons to teach others how to practice these things. But notice, when foreign elections go against White Interests, Whites try to topple democratically-elected regimes as soon as They can. Their White God (not a jealous but a racist God) told them to, obviously.
Whites never admit that liking Them is not compulsory.
We have left undone those things which we ought to have done; and we have done those things which we ought not to have done. Book of Common Prayer (1662). Morning Prayer, General Confession.
A final, more personal note: When Frank TALKER criticises Whites, La TALKER’s critics launch personal attacks concerning how racist He obviously is! When Mr TALKER criticises Blacks, His White Critics remain silent. This proves my White Critics are profoundly racist since They - inconsistently - only try to defend Their own race from racism; while caring nothing for any other race. Have I got ‘em by their racist balls? You bet I have! (And yet, despite everything Frank TALKER has to say here, Whites are still amazed that Blacks do not trust Them! What would Sigmund Freud [Austrian physician and founder of psychoanalysis who theorised that the symptoms of hysterical patients represent forgotten and unresolved infantile psychosexual conflicts] have to say about that?) Mr TALKER should like to add an instant quote of his own: You cannot obtain absolution unless you confess your sins.
Postscript: Let Frank TALKER stir the pot some more and point out the last piece of Black Denial noticed by Him. Regarding the upcoming UK CEHR (Commission for Equality & Human Rights), Blacks claim that having no guaranteed race committee will move Black Issues to the lowest political priority - in Their experience. They’re right. but They never point out the corollary of this which is that the Race Relations Act - which They salute - also means that Black Defendants are more likely to be imprisoned under it. For longer, than White Ones committing similar offences. (Because Whites want Their revenge on Blacks for reminding Whites how racists Whites truly are in the need to pass such laws.) In other words, that a measure designed to help Blacks is actually being used against Them - as They claim the CEHR will be. Why the inconsistency?
A vampire may not enter a house into which he has not been invited, although after he has done so once, he may make repeated visits without asking. So, do not let evil into your minds nor racists into your homes.
Ultimately, to racists, it is not what you are that matters – they have no way of knowing what you are because they don’t want to get too close to you – but what you’re not: Not White. This is why racism is such a negative philosophy because it has no positives. Therefore, never waste your time looking for proof of White Racism because this is harder to find as White Racists become more sophisticated in concealing it. What you need to look for is proof of the existence of the dog in the night-time from its non-existent bark.
An example of a member of the Racist Classes.
Testing: I left a comment on Saturday - I'm not sure whether it submitted correctly.
Sleeping Dogs (Need A Good Kick Up The Arse)
Twins - one black and one white - will prove quite helpful to the parents when they need to tell the children apart from a distance! If all children were identical, dishing out praise/discipline would become a nightmare...
Perhaps this is evidence of a caring God? Although, he has allegedly also given us Human (racial) prejudice - which rather buggers things up.
A few years back, there was a similar non-identical-twin-case, where one parent was black and one white - and one twin was born with white skin, one with black. You guessed it, Frank! It so happened that the white one couldn’t go to the same school as the black one because the white one accrued less qualifying points under a policy designed to promote education for ethnic minorities! Needless-to-say, the parents did their pieces!
The authorities profess to encourage integration, but when we have ‘interracial’ sex (that’s a good honest standard bunk-up to normal folks!), or make love across racial boundaries (sounds a bit risqué dunnit!) and (God Forbid!) produce non-racially-classifiable-nippers, you’re sometimes given the impression that you might’ve gone and taken ‘racial integration’ just a little to far! After all, it’s behaviour like this which has led to ethnic monitoring forms with more permutations than a pianola roll for Scott Joplin’s ‘Elite Syncopations’! (My tip: just tick the ‘Other’ box and write ‘human’ or, if you really want to impress, ‘homo sapiens’!)
Personally, I find that names provide quite a handy way to differentiate between people...
The phenomena of “two totally dissimilar peas in a pod” (Blackadder II, BBC TV) is well explained in the above newspaper article, but why the contrast between interest in variation in children’s skin-colour and interest in variation in children’s height? (Frank TALKER is excused from answering that question - although he probably will anyway!) A child’s height can vary from that of the taller parent all the way down to that of the shorter - and we find nothing unusual in this - but when the same variation is applied to skin-pigmentation, we seem to get rather excited. Presumably, the child of two equally tall parents could turn out taller or shorter than they are - for precisely the same reasons as the mixed-race-squared (!) babies in question turned out black- and white-skinned respectively. Take race out of the equation and everything suddenly appears much more simple - especially the language!
(Note: ‘Mixed-race’ children, especially when infants, often have isolated distinctive dark patches of skin-pigmentation, which are medically termed as ‘blue-spot’ - nurseries/schools often mistake these ‘blue-spots’ for bruises and infer child abuse.)
This couple should get a National Lottery grant to help them cope with all the racially diverse nonsense with which they are going to be confronted in the UK.
Perhaps, if one of us manages to take racial theory to its ultimate (il)logical conclusion and succeeds in completely disappearing up his own backside, there would be a good case for dumping Darwin’s racist proposals together with all the nasty little socio-racial stingers (nettles) which have sprouted from that particular little turd-pile! Ready, steady...! All for a good cause!
First, nobody has to prove that someone is a racist since each white person is an ambassador for his own race and must act accordingly if he wishes whites to be respected.
This is only true where one identifies oneself racially (ie. by skin-colour) - although, I accept that in the UK this is very difficult to avoid, given our upbringing and a political environment which is structured around race and racial exploitation.
Without accepting that belief is sometimes stronger than logic - in extremis - we condemn the entire policy of belief in the absence of concrete evidence to support our beliefs. This would entirely invalidate religious belief, for example, which note, even non-atheists aren't prepared to do.
Again, this is a justified stance where one is being persecuted as a consequence of the beliefs of others, but cannot be held up as an ideal. Adversely affecting the lives of others because of one’s beliefs is not right because this course of action does not resolve a problem, but simply mitigates it. If one believes that white people are bad for one’s health (a reasonable generalization in the UK), one should stay away from them. I believe that my smoking habit could harm me, so I should give up smoking - it makes no real sense to continue smoking, whilst simultaneously campaigning against the interests of cigarette companies, their shareholders and their employees. I accept that it’s almost impossible to avoid white people in the UK, but it’s fairly clear where white people call the shots and where they do not. Although I do not have the ‘all the answers’ (indeed, very few), I do consider religious belief to be invalid because, by definition, religion does not allow my experience an overriding validity - if I were to come by absolute proof of the non-existence of a God, religious belief would never allow me to accept this evidence. I am not opposed to the practice of religion by others - providing this practice does not adversely affect my own interests. Did you mean ‘non-atheists’, ‘non-religious people’ or ‘agnostics’?
Is the ‘race-war’, to which you refer, a war against ‘race’, a war between ‘races’, or a war against those who believe in ‘race’?
Whites never admit that there are no white whistleblowers of White Racism – only black ones.
A white person who blew the whistle on White racism would be motivated to do so by a strong sense of morality and friendship (not self-defence) and such an independent-minded person would be unlikely to be a member of the kind of corrupt organisation where White racism prevailed.
Whites never admit that Their whinging about 9/11 reflects Their view that White Deaths are always more important to Them than Black. Whites would certainly never invade another country, for example, just because a few thousand Blacks were killed.
Do you mean ‘never shrink from invading’?
Yeah, did you hear John Reid whingeing on about 7/7 the other day - you never hear UK government ministers using that deeply solemn tone when discussing black deaths (assuming they discuss black deaths in the first place). They seem to find religious depth when black people kill white, but not the other way round. It’s a bit like when you’re at school and some pupils manage to ridicule a teacher to despair and the headmaster addresses the whole school on the sorry subject in the gravest of tones - something that he would never do following the commonplace of a teacher ridiculing a pupil to tears. Reid’s a real cunt, he makes my skin crawl every time he speaks - and now, as Home Secretary he’s got the fucking cheek to ask for more money for the Security Services in order to defend the country against hostilities that he has, as Secretary of State for Defence, been provoking by occupying Muslim countries and killing their citizens. He makes me wanna puke - probably because he reminds me of a headmaster/housemaster/teacher...
While if whites behave in a similar fashion, it's no more than an isolated incident, not indicative of how wonderful white people really are.
Do you mean ‘not indicative of how awful white people really are’? Am I imagining this, or are you getting you’re double negatives in a twist, Frank?!
Whites refuse to admit that Their continuing problems in Iraq are the result of an illegal occupation, although Whites - if They had been occupied - would behave in exactly the same insurgent manner.
By using the term ‘insurgent’, aren’t you in danger of (albeit deliberately) using Whitespeak here? I’m not an authority on the combat situation in Iraq, but I would have used ‘resistant’.
There is no Racists' Anonymous
I know you’re making a very good and serious point here, Frank - but can you imagine how many people would turn up unashamedly at the doctor’s surgery claiming to be suffering from White Racism in order to skive off work and gain entitlement to Disability Living Allowance?!! And the DWP would have the devil of a time proving such people as fraudsters! White Racism would become the new backache...or maybe I should say the old arse-ache...but the really sobering point here is that it’s the psychologically weak black guys in the mental health system who are actually suffering from White Racism.
This proves the limitations of experience as a means of apprehending reality. And why Whites rely on experience - in the face of logic and the evidence of other people's experience - to remain in-denial about the inherently-racist nature of their culture.
The problem is not with relying on limited experience, but with a lack of desire to broaden one’s experience. One should not rely on the experience of others - that is very dangerous - in as far as is possible, one should go check out such claims personally or obtain evidence from trusted friends and family. The problem arises when one does not have close black friends/family and one has no desire to live amongst black people - and this is why such investigations usually end up as whitewashes where black people’s evidence is not given the same worth as white people’s.
Whites never admit that only Whites ever say there is less racism now than in the past. Whites believe that this allows Whites to ignore Black claims to the contrary.
I agree (admittedly without personal experience) that racism today is as deep and vicious as ever - but I blinked a couple of times as I read your statement that only ‘Whites’ contradict this...There are (politically motivated and misguided) black people who, even whilst reporting endless cases of white racism, would like to have us believe that their policies have made social progress - even though their own protective racist response to white racism would seem as strong as ever.
Whites can't bring Themselves to admit that comments made by Blacks about Whites are more valid than those made by Whites about Blacks because Blacks know more Whites than Whites know Blacks.
When Frank TALKER was at school, it was common practice for teachers to berate pupils who claimed that because one child was badly behaved, other children still couldn't claim the false ethical-protection of such statements as: "He did it, too!"
Did you mean “still could claim”?
There are no situation comedies on tv dealing with the issue of racism as there used to be – Love Thy Neighbour and Till Death Us Do Part, for example. There are sitcoms about white men behaving badly, keeping up appearances and office life – all of which deal with prevalent contemporary issues – but none that whites will make dealing with their generalised disgust for blacks. Strange that!
You’ve spotted a gap in the market there! And gee have I got a huge great pile of germane material that I keep tripping over in the back corridor! The reason that these programmes are not made is probably that, these days, black directors would want to create strong black characters who made clear their generalised dislike of white people.
Whites never admit that racial minorities do not need the protection of the law. When they do, such as through the Race Relations Act, racial divisions become institutionalised by authorities keen to act as "neutral" arbitrators and thus sustain existing divisions.
Apartheid lives on.
Did you mean ‘racial minorities do need the protection of the law’?
Whites never admit They had to pass a law – the Race Relations Act – to try to remind Themselves that Blacks are human, too. It's a tacit admission that Whites didn't – and still don't – know this, since this law hasn't been repealed because it's still seen as being needed – even by in-denial Whites. Without the existence of White Racism, there would've been no need for such a law.
In certain situations, I find myself being asked what I understand by the term ‘Equal Opportunities Policy’, and I usually reply by explaining that such policies are required by organisations which have a severe problem with racial, sexual etc, etc discrimination...I mean, why else would you need a manual the size of ‘War and Peace’ explaining how to treat other Humans with common decency...I reckon these guys usually get the message!
This legalised racial protection racket also makes black people look and feel weak - and makes black people dependent on white culture in the same way as welfare benefits create a dependency culture.
It also proves that Whites - although They refuse to openly admit this - believe that Their skin colour is the default skin colour of the human race.
This is true...and I’m surprised, in our envied white equality culture, that black people are not offered skin-lightening cosmetic surgery free on the NHS...
Interesting point: the Nigerian (Yoruba?) term for ‘white man’ is ‘oyibo’ which literally means ‘no skin’.
Mercantilism is distinguished from capitalism in that it is based on a concept of trade where one side gains and the other loses. Such a system can never work unless backed-up by military force.
Although this point is self-evident, no-one ever comes out and makes it. White people usually try to con black people by pretending that capitalism is evil and the root of black poverty, when, in fact capitalism cannot harm anyone unless corrupted by men with guns.
Their White God (not a jealous but a racist God) told them to, obviously.
Now, now Frank, that’s very naughty ’cos, correct me if I’m wrong...but I’m pretty certain you don’t believe in God! And sarcasm doesn’t suit you, either!
When Mr TALKER criticises Blacks, His critics remain silent.
Do you mean ‘His White critics’?
What would Sigmund Freud [Austrian physician and founder of psychoanalysis who theorised that the symptoms of hysterical patients represent forgotten and unresolved infantile psychosexual conflicts] have to say about that?)
He’d probably say “Autsch! Finger weg von meinen kleinen weißen Eiern, Mutti!”
In other words, that a measure designed to help Blacks is actually being used against Them - as They claim the CEHR will be.
STOP PRESS: David Cameron has said today that he will repeal Human Rights laws because they undermine public safety...(but what colour are these members of the public?)
A vampire may not enter a house into which he has not been invited, although after he has done so once, he may make repeated visits without asking. So, do not let evil into your minds nor racists into your homes.
This is curiously reminiscent of bailiff’s entry rights.
Good stuff, Frank
Hard write
Sleeping Dogs (Need A Good Kick Up The Arse)
At the end of the day, all attempts at anti-racism, integration, positive action, etc, are nothing more than attempts by Whites to conceal (not defeat) Their racist tendencies. The proof of this is that the simplest way to deal with one’s own racism (&, indeed, all forms of snobbery) is to simply get out of others’ way and be on your own. The fact that most people can’t do this proves that they have nowhere to go and want to trample on someone else’s path in ersatz compensation. That Whites don’t do this is proof that They still wish to hinder others while trying to obtain medals for Their alleged social progressiveness. This gives a clue to why Whites are so meddlesome: It’s the only way They have of establishing and building a career (selfishness); while getting around the fact that Whites see selfishness as a sin by claiming They do it for altruistic (ie, selfless) reasons. This is why there are so many jobs that revolve around concepts made meaningless by reality-evaders and Whitespeakers like equality, social exclusion, social justice, et al. This also happens with Blacks correctly assess that blacks don’t need racial awareness training – only Whites need this. They then proceed to exploit White Racial Guilt by offering such training in the hope that White Racism can never be cured (it can’t because you can’t kill off an idea); resulting in the same kinds of jobs-for-life that the talentless, the feckless and the uncreative chase.
‘This couple should get a National Lottery grant to help them cope with all the racially diverse nonsense with which they are going to be confronted in the UK’. ‘[N]onsense’ resulting from the fact that Whites are never sure how to handle miscegenation as a theory or as a practice. Although not applicable in this case, it will be treated the same because the very fact that they call two particular members of the human race mating “miscegenation” proves this confusion perfectly. It will also be interesting to see whether the life-chances of the white child are improved by virtue of being born white. However, if we’re realistic, we all know that they will because she can pass for white – because she is white.
Miscegenation is a problem for Whites basically because it provides final prove of the humanity of blacks. If blacks weren’t of the same species, infertile offspring would always be the result.
‘I am not opposed to the practice of religion by others - providing this practice does not adversely affect my own interests.’ The problem here is that you have no objective means of knowing whether such an adverse affect has taken place. The only way to coming anywhere near to ensuring this would be to disestablish the Church of England from government. Clearly, for example, the Sunday Trading Act 1994 adversely affects your choice to shop when you please.
In practice, all actions based upon beliefs are always inferior to those based on facts – even when the facts are limited in quantity – because beliefs can never be justified rationally, if they could they would attain the status of fact.
‘Did you mean “non-atheists”, “non-religious people” or “agnostics”?’ All three.
‘Is the “race-war”, to which you refer, a war against “race”, a war between “races”, or a war against those who believe in “race”?’ It is all of these things – particularly a war ‘between the “races”’.
‘A white person who blew the whistle on White racism would be motivated to do so by a strong sense of morality and friendship (not self-defence) and such an independent-minded person would be unlikely to be a member of the kind of corrupt organisation where White racism prevailed’. Here you’ve made an error. All institutions founded by Whites are essentially corrupt in the way you say because White Culture is founded upon racist roots. The current (declining) wealth of the UK originated in the salve trade and the British Empire – the decline is explained by the fact that neither of these two overtly racist institutions exist any more and Whites have found nothing rational to replace either with.
This means that even independent-minded whites – to obtain and retain employment – must compromise their values to do so. A doctor I heard on Radio Four last week became a hospital doctor even though the Blacks who were also being interviewed were older and more experienced than him, and he admitted his interview hadn’t gone well. The reason he admitted was that he was white. And yet he still took the job and was happy to work for an institutionally racist organisation. His only get-out from his guilty conscience was his recognition of the racism self-evident in the job-selection process. Nevertheless, the fact remains that he did nothing about this racism. After all, like everyone else, we can all be compromised by the fact that we have bills to pay, women to impress, peers to appease, etc. What I'm saying here is that there are no truly independently-minded Whites – the proposition is a contradiction in terms.
A rather good, recent film (“16 Blocks”) made this point to me rather forcibly. A white cop is escorting a black witness to a court meeting to testify against six corrupt police officers. The white cop has to negotiate the 16 blocks of downtown New York to get him there against other police officers who want both him and the witness dead. The white cop has a drink problem and we later discover that this is his response to guilt at being corrupt and that he is one of the six officers against whom the black suspect is going to testify. So, why is a white cop protecting the life of a black man whose statements in court will ensure the white cop goes to prison (which, in the end, he does)? How many whites are there like this in real life willing to demonstrate this kind of personal integrity by risking their own lives? To do so means to change for the better and how many whites are willing to go through the anguish that such a change will necessarily involve? (The film is essentially about human redemption and that leopards can change their spots only if they choose to and only if they choose to accept the inevitable punishment that will surely follow.)
‘Do you mean “never shrink from invading”?’ No.
‘Do you mean “not indicative of how awful white people really are”?’ No, I was attempting John Grisham-like irony!
‘By using the term “insurgent”, aren’t you in danger of (albeit deliberately) using Whitespeak here?’ No. I use Whitespeak deliberately to parody it, to demonstrate that Whites would behave exactly as Blacks do because both groups are just as human as the other is. I'm simply throwing the terms They use back in Their faces.
‘[I]t’s the psychologically weak black guys in the mental health system who are actually suffering from White Racism’. Here you make another serious error. The mentally-ill choose to be so, since they’re looking for an escape from reality. They actually want to be locked up because it means having no cares and responsibilities. They don’t suffer from White Racism but their own self-inflicted inadequacies. It is actually the racist psychiatrists who suffer from racism because it’s something inside them - as someone who suffers from cancer suffers because the cancer is inside them. Either a black who suffers from racism has allowed himself to suffer – or he’s an unjustified racist himself.
‘The problem is not with relying on limited experience, but with a lack of desire to broaden one’s experience. One should not rely on the experience of others - that is very dangerous - in as far as is possible, one should go check out such claims personally or obtain evidence from trusted friends and family. The problem arises when one does not have close black friends/family and one has no desire to live amongst black people - and this is why such investigations usually end up as whitewashes where black people’s evidence is not given the same worth as white people’s.’ Once again, I'm sorry, but some of these statements are fundamentally flawed. The ability to correctly interpret one’s experience is more important than the amount of it: Quality over Quantity. Quantitative issues only apply to physical acts, such as piano-playing – the more you do it the better you should become. It is also unnecessary for whites to know blacks in order to understand them. For example, I don’t – to my knowledge – know anyone who is a rapist. Yet, I know that rapists don’t like women. It is therefore not necessary to know or have nay kind of personal experience of a rapist for me to be aware of this self-evident fact. There is also the issue that anyone who’s experienced any kind of discrimination – disablism, social snobbery, misogyny, etc – knows, from experience, what this is like and how it manifests itself. It can’t then be difficult to generalise from such experiences to know what racism is like without having ever been racially abused. In other words, truth can be deduced by analogy.
‘I blinked a couple of times as I read your statement that only ‘Whites’ contradict this...’ I couldn’t find any reference to this in my original text!
‘Did you mean “still could claim”?’ No.
‘Did you mean “racial minorities do need the protection of the law”?’ No. Although race relations legislation tries to protect everyone from racial abuse, the fact remains that such laws were passed because blacks were being abused by whites – not the other way around. Additionally, Whites didn’t think to pass such laws when They were more overtly anti-Semitic than They are now. Such laws are designed to conceal White Racism by driving it underground so that whites who approve of such legislation can say They helped Blacks; fully expecting a wave of Black Gratitude for Their enlightened jurisprudence. Such laws are therefore a protection racket designed to get Blacks to like Whites – even though whites are doing nothing effective. They are attempts to legislate for love – the love that one is supposed to show a superior. The end result of White Resentment that Blacks aren’t showing Whites the necessary so-called respect for Whites passing such laws is that more blacks than whites are prosecuted under such laws even though blacks only represent 8% of the UK population. Such laws do not protect; they enslave since, like social welfare, they make the despised group dependent upon and complacent regarding such laws for survival. It would be better if such laws were repealed and blacks protected themselves. As it would be better if the welfare state was abolished and the poor learned to stand on their own two feet. All such laws are attempts to infantilise people one just doesn’t, and will never, like.
‘...I’m surprised, in our envied white equality culture, that black people are not offered skin-lightening cosmetic surgery free on the NHS...’ An amusing idea, but it would be healthier to offer whites skin-darkening treatment since this provides more health-benefits from increased protection against skin cancer – virtually unknown among blacks.
‘Although this point is self-evident, no-one ever comes out and makes it.’ This is true of many of the points I make which is why no-one knows how to refute me. It also explains why Frank TALKER is so hated because my critics know I’ve tumbled their little game.
‘...I’m pretty certain you don’t believe in God’. You’re right, because not believing in God is a belief, in itself. Actually, I believe in nothing! My only concern (like Joe Friday) is for the facts, just the facts.
‘Do you mean “His White critics”?’ No, because most of my critics are Blacks; those who think White Racism can be appeased through moral compromise.
“'A white person who blew the whistle on White racism would be motivated to do so by a strong sense of morality and friendship (not self-defence) and such an independent-minded person would be unlikely to be a member of the kind of corrupt organisation where White racism prevailed'. Here you've made an error. All institutions founded by Whites are essentially corrupt in the way you say because White Culture is founded upon racist roots. The current (declining) wealth of the UK originated in the salve trade and the British Empire – the decline is explained by the fact that neither of these two overtly racist institutions exist any more and Whites have found nothing rational to replace either with.
This means that even independent-minded whites – to obtain and retain employment – must compromise their values to do so. A doctor I heard on Radio Four last week became a hospital doctor even though the Blacks who were also being interviewed were older and more experienced than him, and he admitted his interview hadn't gone well. The reason he admitted was that he was white. And yet he still took the job and was happy to work for an institutionally racist organisation. His only get-out from his guilty conscience was his recognition of the racism self-evident in the job-selection process. Nevertheless, the fact remains that he did nothing about this racism. After all, like everyone else, we can all be compromised by the fact that we have bills to pay, women to impress, peers to appease, etc. What I'm saying here is that there are no truly independently-minded Whites – the proposition is a contradiction in terms.”
Yes, strictly speaking, anyone who works in such an organisation, must be compromised - and whistle-blowing would be motivated by revenge against the employer. But couldn’t self-employed people be ‘independent-minded’ - provided they did not undertake contracts from white institutions? Or is that not realistic?
“'[I]t's the psychologically weak black guys in the mental health system who are actually suffering from White Racism'. Here you make another serious error. The mentally-ill choose to be so, since they're looking for an escape from reality. They actually want to be locked up because it means having no cares and responsibilities. They don't suffer from White Racism but their own self-inflicted inadequacies. It is actually the racist psychiatrists who suffer from racism because it's something inside them - as someone who suffers from cancer suffers because the cancer is inside them. Either a black who suffers from racism has allowed himself to suffer – or he's an unjustified racist himself.”
I agree that the mentally-ill choose to be so (and haven’t we all chosen to tread this path to some degree?) - therefore, it’s a fair point to say that those black people are not suffering from racism.
“'The problem is not with relying on limited experience, but with a lack of desire to broaden one's experience. One should not rely on the experience of others - that is very dangerous - in as far as is possible, one should go check out such claims personally or obtain evidence from trusted friends and family. The problem arises when one does not have close black friends/family and one has no desire to live amongst black people - and this is why such investigations usually end up as whitewashes where black people's evidence is not given the same worth as white people's.' Once again, I'm sorry, but some of these statements are fundamentally flawed. The ability to correctly interpret one's experience is more important than the amount of it: Quality over Quantity. Quantitative issues only apply to physical acts, such as piano-playing – the more you do it the better you should become. It is also unnecessary for whites to know blacks in order to understand them. For example, I don't – to my knowledge – know anyone who is a rapist. Yet, I know that rapists don't like women. It is therefore not necessary to know or have nay kind of personal experience of a rapist for me to be aware of this self-evident fact. There is also the issue that anyone who's experienced any kind of discrimination – disablism, social snobbery, misogyny, etc – knows, from experience, what this is like and how it manifests itself. It can't then be difficult to generalise from such experiences to know what racism is like without having ever been racially abused. In other words, truth can be deduced by analogy.”
Of course, you’re right. Any normal person should be capable of relating to acts of discrimination and bullying - and the quality of our interpretation of experience (ie. how honestly we analyse it) is the all important factor. Although this rather gives the lie to this statement (!):
“Whites can't bring Themselves to admit that comments made by Blacks about Whites are more valid than those made by Whites about Blacks because Blacks know more Whites than Whites know Blacks.”'...I'm surprised, in our envied white equality culture, that black people are not offered skin-lightening cosmetic surgery free on the NHS...' An amusing idea, but it would be healthier to offer whites skin-darkening treatment since this provides more health-benefits from increased protection against skin cancer – virtually unknown among blacks.
“'...I'm surprised, in our envied white equality culture, that black people are not offered skin-lightening cosmetic surgery free on the NHS...' An amusing idea, but it would be healthier to offer whites skin-darkening treatment since this provides more health-benefits from increased protection against skin cancer – virtually unknown among blacks.”
You caught me out there! Although, of course, in our colder climate, black skin can lead to Vitamin D deficiency.
“'Do you mean "His White critics"?' No, because most of my critics are Blacks; those who think White Racism can be appeased through moral compromise.”
Although I can agree with your general point (people only wishing to defend ‘their own’), this statement still does make sense alongside the following:
“A final, more personal note: When Frank TALKER criticises Whites, La TALKER's critics launch personal attacks concerning how racist He obviously is. When Mr TALKER criticises Blacks, His critics remain silent. This proves my critics are profoundly racist since they - inconsistently - only try to defend their own race from racism; while caring nothing for any other race.”
“'A white person who blew the whistle on White racism would be motivated to do so by a strong sense of morality and friendship (not self-defence) and such an independent-minded person would be unlikely to be a member of the kind of corrupt organisation where White racism prevailed'. Here you've made an error. All institutions founded by Whites are essentially corrupt in the way you say because White Culture is founded upon racist roots. The current (declining) wealth of the UK originated in the salve trade and the British Empire – the decline is explained by the fact that neither of these two overtly racist institutions exist any more and Whites have found nothing rational to replace either with.
This means that even independent-minded whites – to obtain and retain employment – must compromise their values to do so. A doctor I heard on Radio Four last week became a hospital doctor even though the Blacks who were also being interviewed were older and more experienced than him, and he admitted his interview hadn't gone well. The reason he admitted was that he was white. And yet he still took the job and was happy to work for an institutionally racist organisation. His only get-out from his guilty conscience was his recognition of the racism self-evident in the job-selection process. Nevertheless, the fact remains that he did nothing about this racism. After all, like everyone else, we can all be compromised by the fact that we have bills to pay, women to impress, peers to appease, etc. What I'm saying here is that there are no truly independently-minded Whites – the proposition is a contradiction in terms.”
Yes, strictly speaking, anyone who works in such an organisation, must be compromised - and whistle-blowing would be motivated by revenge against the employer. But couldn’t self-employed people be ‘independent-minded’ - provided they did not undertake contracts from white institutions? Or is that not realistic?
“'[I]t's the psychologically weak black guys in the mental health system who are actually suffering from White Racism'. Here you make another serious error. The mentally-ill choose to be so, since they're looking for an escape from reality. They actually want to be locked up because it means having no cares and responsibilities. They don't suffer from White Racism but their own self-inflicted inadequacies. It is actually the racist psychiatrists who suffer from racism because it's something inside them - as someone who suffers from cancer suffers because the cancer is inside them. Either a black who suffers from racism has allowed himself to suffer – or he's an unjustified racist himself.”
I agree that the mentally-ill choose to be so (and haven’t we all chosen to tread this path to some degree?) - therefore, it’s a fair point to say that those black people are not suffering from racism.
“'The problem is not with relying on limited experience, but with a lack of desire to broaden one's experience. One should not rely on the experience of others - that is very dangerous - in as far as is possible, one should go check out such claims personally or obtain evidence from trusted friends and family. The problem arises when one does not have close black friends/family and one has no desire to live amongst black people - and this is why such investigations usually end up as whitewashes where black people's evidence is not given the same worth as white people's.' Once again, I'm sorry, but some of these statements are fundamentally flawed. The ability to correctly interpret one's experience is more important than the amount of it: Quality over Quantity. Quantitative issues only apply to physical acts, such as piano-playing – the more you do it the better you should become. It is also unnecessary for whites to know blacks in order to understand them. For example, I don't – to my knowledge – know anyone who is a rapist. Yet, I know that rapists don't like women. It is therefore not necessary to know or have nay kind of personal experience of a rapist for me to be aware of this self-evident fact. There is also the issue that anyone who's experienced any kind of discrimination – disablism, social snobbery, misogyny, etc – knows, from experience, what this is like and how it manifests itself. It can't then be difficult to generalise from such experiences to know what racism is like without having ever been racially abused. In other words, truth can be deduced by analogy.”
Of course, you’re right. Any normal person should be capable of relating to acts of discrimination and bullying - and the quality of our interpretation of experience (ie. how honestly we analyse it) is the all important factor. Although this rather gives the lie to this statement (!):
“Whites can't bring Themselves to admit that comments made by Blacks about Whites are more valid than those made by Whites about Blacks because Blacks know more Whites than Whites know Blacks.”'...I'm surprised, in our envied white equality culture, that black people are not offered skin-lightening cosmetic surgery free on the NHS...' An amusing idea, but it would be healthier to offer whites skin-darkening treatment since this provides more health-benefits from increased protection against skin cancer – virtually unknown among blacks.
“'...I'm surprised, in our envied white equality culture, that black people are not offered skin-lightening cosmetic surgery free on the NHS...' An amusing idea, but it would be healthier to offer whites skin-darkening treatment since this provides more health-benefits from increased protection against skin cancer – virtually unknown among blacks.”
You caught me out there! Although, of course, in our colder climate, black skin can lead to Vitamin D deficiency.
“'Do you mean "His White critics"?' No, because most of my critics are Blacks; those who think White Racism can be appeased through moral compromise.”
Although I can agree with your general point (people only wishing to defend ‘their own’), this statement still does make sense alongside the following:
“A final, more personal note: When Frank TALKER criticises Whites, La TALKER's critics launch personal attacks concerning how racist He obviously is. When Mr TALKER criticises Blacks, His critics remain silent. This proves my critics are profoundly racist since they - inconsistently - only try to defend their own race from racism; while caring nothing for any other race.”
Sleeping Dogs (Need A Good Kick Up The Arse)
‘...[C]ouldn’t self-employed people be “independent-minded” - provided they did not undertake contracts from white institutions?’
Yes, they could. But being self-employed means not minding for whom you work, so long as they pay their bills and your cash flow is kept in good condition. Because money can’t be traced, there’s no point in anyone saying to themselves that this particular bank note could have gone through a racist’s hands and that, therefore, it shouldn’t be touched. That way lies the paranoid/schizophrenic nonsense of the so-called Black Pound. To only become commercially involved with Black Institutions would be so severely limit one’s business potential because there are so few Blacks with sufficient disposable income to create the millionaires we’d all like to be.
The issue is that the self-employed are not required to work directly for racist institutions in order to make their money because they should – if they’re sensible – have more than one client and, therefore, have more than one iron in the fire. A balanced portfolio is better than keeping your eggs in one basket, after all. The issue here is simply not being tainted by the people you work for because you can’t avoid bad people because we live in a culture where specialisation is essential – and those bad people may possess the specialist skills one needs. This can mean working for people for whom we have no more respect than the smelly mess we are often to be found wiping from the bottoms of our shoes, because of the interdependence such specialisation entails. Modern culture would be impossible without such specialisation so there’s no way to avoid it.
However, you can avoid becoming institutionalised by not working for an institution. This makes the wider institution of the culture clearer and much easier to deal with. (John Steinbeck’s East of Eden might make this clearer – as well as being a bloody good book!)
In this way, the self-employed have no excuse for becoming institutionalised as a direct result of working for such poor-quality institutions. It also means that they won’t be very likely to see any overt racism nor, therefore, need to be faced with the choice: To whistleblow or not to whistleblow? This will give them more time to be successful. The issue here is not to encourage whistle blowing, but to ensure – as much as possible - the lack of any need for it. This can only be achieved if more and more people do not work within institutions.
‘...[T]he mentally-ill choose to be so (and haven’t we all chosen to tread this path to some degree?)...’. Your parenthetical comment is impossible to prove, but it’s more the case that all of us have chosen mental illness as a self-pitying means of TEMPORARILY escaping present problems. Degrees of mental illness can’t really exist because the problem is an absolute one: Refusal to accept reality as perceived through ones organic senses. The differences in the manner in which people manifest their alleged symptoms do not represent degrees of illness but simply manifest differences in the nature of their particular problems.
It’s always fascinated me that psychiatrists are constantly pretending there are different types of mental illness and different types of symptoms and different degrees of such illness but, because mental illness isn’t - by its nature - somatic, there are no physical measuring devices available to science to prove this. This makes psychiatry little better than a pseudo-science, believed-in by the mentally-ill, themselves. Or perhaps it might be better to refer to it as a religious cult. The differences in individual mental patients are little more than the result of the fact that they each have different problems.
Psychiatrists are simply engaging in job creation out of a parasitic desire to exploit people as screwed-up as they, themselves, are. (You might like to read Thomas Szasz’s The Myth of Mental Illness on this one.)
With a somatic illness, patterns are much easier to determine because they are easily measurable. The similarity with mental illness lies in the fact that those with a positive mental attitude are far more likely to survive physical ailments than those mentally-ill people with a negative mental attitude.
‘Any normal person should be capable of relating to acts of discrimination and bullying - and the quality of our interpretation of experience (ie, how honestly we analyse it) is the all important factor. Although this rather gives the lie to this statement (!):
‘“Whites can't bring Themselves to admit that comments made by Blacks about Whites are more valid than those made by Whites about Blacks because Blacks know more Whites than Whites know Blacks.”’
You made an odd error here. Racism is a form of mental illness, specifically paranoid/schizophrenia complicated by delusions of grandeur. You imply this yourself when you say: ‘Any normal person...’. The fact that Whites can, if they so chose, understand exactly what racism is like doesn’t mean that they automatically will. Clearly, They choose not to. (I should have it made it clearer that this is what I meant). That is the precise fons et origo of the flawed mindset called racism.
...’[I]n our colder climate, black skin can lead to Vitamin D deficiency’. I think this is scientifically suspect, since black skin also tans. Although I'm not altogether sure.
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