Friday, 25 August 2006

No Way to Tackle Extremism, Ruth Kelly


'Black-led human rights organisation The 1990 Trust believe the initiative is the wrong answer to the question of citizenship'. This so-called question is really a statement. It implies that it's "Citizenship" which helps that abstraction we call "Society" cohere, when it's really allowing people to pursue their self-interest that does.

All rational men will be loyal to a society of self-interest simply because it's in their self-interest to do so: This will automatically create coherence. Claiming citizenship is the problem is to put the cart-before-the-horse when the problem is that at present no-one has any real vested-interest in being loyal to a culture that doesn't put their self-interest at its heart. And no rational entity ever works for the self-interest of others as well as they do for their own.

This is simple human nature – and a society not based on human nature needs to enforce citizenship by law and propaganda - as the former communist regimes had to. (It should be noted that all these failed as societies. And for good reason.)

Karen Chouhan, 1990 Trust trustee: 'The government needs to stop viewing Black communities as the problem, which is simply not true when you consider the contribution we make to society and the efforts we put in to get on'. This comment is entirely irrelevant and falls into a White Racist Trap. White Racists don't view Blacks in terms of Their achievements but in terms of Their skin colour. This, White Racists believe, allows Them to exploit that coloration as a signifier of genetic inferiority. No matter what Blacks achieve, Whites will always treat them as inferiors. Whites are always going to consider 'Black communities' as a problem simply because They are Black, not because of attempts to integrate or contributing to wider society.

Such naive and ignorant comments concerning the nature of White Racism betray the stupid and idiotic view that appealing to Their reason can appease Whites. And yet racism is a largely unreasonable viewpoint; proving that Blacks such as these are merely sucking-up-to, and effectively apologising for, White Racism. Such Blacks can't stand on Their own two feet and need Whites to help Them; proving that They are, indeed, as inferior as White Racists claim Them to be.

‘...[T]he minister should be looking at far-right extremism, and how their agenda of attacking multiculturalism and immigration has made it to mainstream thinking, and what effect this is having on community relations'. '...[A]ttacking multiculturalism and immigration' has always been 'mainstream thinking' in the White communities. How else can you explain, for example, the British Empire, the North Atlantic Slave Trade, racist immigration controls and the existence of the BNP (British national party)?

What is called here 'far-right extremism' is simply the tip of a racist iceberg; proving again that Blacks think They can blame White Extremists for the racism They experience. There's no meaningful difference between this and Whites thinking They can blame Muslim Extremists for Their endemic White Fear of Muslims. Both groups are equally racist in Their mutual desire to scapegoat someone who isn't Themselves, so what's the difference? The truth is that – in essentials - there isn't one. Both groups want to control men's minds for political gain and for political expediency – to line Their own pockets in so doing.

‘Nobody has tried harder than Black communities to integrate'. The truth here is that 'Black communities' have – instead - tried very hard to buy-off the protection racket that is White Racism by trying very hard to renounce Their own culture and act White. This is not integration, it's arse-kissing servitude.

'The issue is the fact that society as a whole continues to discriminate against them'. Yes, of course: It always will. There is no reason for it to adopt any other approach since Blacks offer no alternative and Whites can't conceive of culture without self-interest being its basis. All that can be done is to show Whites that it's not in Their self-interest to continue being racist – but no Black ever does this. Blacks Themselves can't imagine a culture not based on racism because Blacks are just as racist as Whites, and are simply blaming Whites for Their own racist tendencies.

'Let’s look at why surveys find 9 out of 10 white people do not have a Black friend, or why 4 out of 10 white people do not want a Black neighbour. This is the problem with citizenship and integration today'. These are not the problems, themselves – merely proofs that White Culture is endemically racist. When one starts considering the evidence one has of a given phenomena as the problem, then one can easily start to think that the solution is simply to hide or destroy the evidence. Whites already do this and Blacks are trying to do just the same by evading the actual problem.

Friendship is chosen. One doesn't want friends foisted upon one because that merely leads to resentment – not friendship. Only the lonely think otherwise. In any case, there aren't enough Blacks (only 8% of the UK population, after all) to go around for every white to have at least one black friend.

Again, if Whites don't want Black neighbours then that's Their preference – to which They are fully entitled so long as it's merely an expressed preference and is not legally-enforced. A man of self-respect wouldn't want to live where he's not wanted. This is why we have countries and communities, in the first place. So those of a like mind can then congregate together and enjoy each other's company and not be offended by the presence of those one considers undesirable – for whatever reason. Such preferences can only affect Blacks if Blacks actually want Whites to like Them. And if They want that, then They truly possess the desperation of the constitutionally lonely. '...[T]he problem with citizenship and integration today' is that political airheads think these things can be forced upon the citizens. This is communist totalitarianism, not liberty and justice. Do Blacks really believe that They can force Whites to legislate for love? If They do, then perhaps Whites are right to section proportionately-more Blacks than Whites under the present Mental Health Act since love is, by its nature, a voluntary act?

'The 1990 Trust believes that Ruth Kelly (Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government DCLG) should be turning her attention to tackling the root causes of race inequality instead of problematizing Black communities'. Yes, but 'problematizing Black communities' is easier to achieve for the same reason that it's easier to hate a man than to love him. And why would Whites not take the path-of-least-resistance and do what's easiest? Blacks certainly wouldn't!

The 'root causes of race inequality' are that it's easier to hate than to love and that it's easier to blame others than accept personal responsibility. Blacks do this every bit as much as Whites do, the hypocrites!

'What is needed is not another talking shop producing a report which sits on the shelf, but real action to tackle the problems identified by previous research'. Fine, so why don't Blacks take this action Themselves rather than waiting for Whites to do so? Answer: Because Blacks are dependent on Whites to accept Them as equals and would fear a White Racist Backlash should Blacks one day have the guts to go it alone and be successful on Their own Black terms. (Emotionally-inadequate Blacks live in paranoid fear that if, in a racist culture, Blacks drives expensive cars, They'll always be the targets of invidious racist-abuse. To avoid finding-out if this is true or not, Blacks find it easier to be resolute social failures and then have the cheek to blame this on White Racism when the root cause is Their own fear of Whites. This merely produces the very racism They fear occurring.) So long as Blacks continue to choose-to-fail, They tacitly convince Whites that Blacks really are racially inferior and that inactive talking-shops (White Propaganda) are all that Blacks need be offered to keep Them quiet.

If Blacks chose-to-succeed, They'd find that Whites are more frightened of Them, than They could ever be of Whites. Whites know this, which is why They spend a great deal of time and money trying very hard to make Blacks fear Them. Whites do this mostly through foreign military adventures designed to make Blacks cack Their underpants in the presence of the allegedly God-like might of White Technology. That this doesn't work, annoys Whites no end because They have no other gambit.

'We know what the problems are: a failure to make real progress in creating true race equality in Britain, such as equal outcomes in employment, education, housing, health etc'. This is communist horse-manure because human beings are not created equal.

'The problems are not: they are not (Sic) due to a failure of Black communities to integrate. Instead (Sic) much of the blame must be laid at the failure of indigenous communities to willingly embrace multicultural Britain'. This is the same scapegoating this press release hypocritically accuses Whites of doing!

'With so many committees, commissions and toolkits - the delivery of race equality will drown in a managerialist framework that cramps resources and efforts into the managing of processes not outcomes'. More communist horseshit! Outcomes cannot be managed in the facile way envisaged here. If they could there'd be a helluva lot more happy parents with loving children following successful careers as a result of well-managed childhoods. In reality, we have (for example) fantastic abortion, teenage pregnancy, illiteracy and alcoholism rates; proving that most people's upbringings – no matter how well-managed – produced outcomes that rational men would not logically desire.

Stop whining; start living.

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