Friday, 29 September 2006

Whites Have Bigger Cocks Than Blacks

Now we know why comparisons are odorous!

Having obviously given up on the old fallacy that it ain't how big it is, it's what you do with it; Whites now want to scientifically prove Their penile superiority to other races! Why didn't They just do this before? Obviously because Black Cock is better and bigger!


lou sid linesman said...

Frank, I really do worry sometimes about your obsession with cocks!

Any chance of moving on to a different subject?!

After all, what's 0.2 of an inch between friends?!!

lou sid linesman said...

Sorry for that cheap shot.

Clearly white people must be obsessed with penis-size - I get an untold amount of spam mail which advertizes Viagra type products, manhood enlarging drugs etc.

The only product which does not appear to be on the market is a treatment which can turn a white cock into a black one...

...just imagine the delight there would be on a white wife's face when her white husband dropped his pants and said "Look what I've got you for Christmas, darling!"