Thursday, 31 January 2008

Canada Pulls out of UN Anti-Racism Conference

A classic example of White Racism in that brown skinned countries are required to renounce racism before a debate on racism can begin, while white skinned countries are not. It's common for Whites to claim that Blacks should engage in debates with White Racists in order to defeat Their arguments, but when the shoe is on the other foot, Whites – themselves - lack the courage to practice what They preach. 'Last week, Bernier apologised to Israel after his ministry published an internal document that included Israel and United States in a list of countries were prisoners risk torture. He ordered the mistaken entry to be edited out.' This is typical of White Racism in its attempt to deny that both Israel and the US are supporters of torture, when they manifestly are. Typically, Whites want to control the agenda of any meeting where Their racism is being discussed in order to control those dark-skinned humans they claim superiority over. This is why all such discussions with Whites are doomed to failure because They can't resist being racist in the very context of a discussion of racism. Because racism provides Whites with manifest advantages, this will remain so until there are no more Whites on the Earth or They choose to freely renounce racism. There's also the claim that Cuba, Iran and Libya are racist countries because their representatives are. This is, in itself, racist. The Durban conference is, in reality, better off without those who refuse to address their own racism; preferring instead to project and to displace it onto others they label as inferior.

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