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- 2016
- Themes:
- Advertising | | Alienation | Black people | Capitalism | Character | Christianity | Civilization | Communism | Corporate Power | Cowardice | Destiny | Emotional repression | Erotophobia | Genocide | Gynophobia | Ideology | Irrationality | Loneliness | Materialism | Narcissism | Paranoia | Parasitism | Passivity | Personal | Political | Political Correctness | Pornography | Positive Discrimination | Propaganda | Republicanism | Sadomasochism | Schizophrenia | Sexism | Sexual Repression | Snobbery | Solipsism | Stereotyping | Totalitarianism | Vice | Western culture | White culture | White guilt | White people | White supremacy
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- Unknown
Aphrodisiacs for the Emotionally‑Retarded
Summary: How White People Are.
I t is not pornography that makes gender inequality sexually‑arousing; it is inequality that makes porn sexually‑arousing.
It puts the cart‑before‑the‑horse to assume that politics follows esthetics, in this way, when it is much more the other way around. After all, if White cultures were not predicated on inequality, why would porn exist, at all, in its current, largely‑negative form?
White pornography is an honest mirror of White culture into which Whites fear to gaze lest they see themselves as they really are. This is why they either pretend it is not important or call for its prohibition – but never for any cultural change that would actually make it irrelevant – or better. For example, a sexually self‑aware man would not need porn: He would either masturbate (a selfish act), have sex or make love (sharing acts) – as circumstance permits.
White‑Supremacist Sexism
White women are doubly‑trapped in a White supremacist and a patriarchal society that eroticizes women’s subordination to male sexism. This, as part of a package‑deal enabling those same women to partly‑benefit from White supremacy – so long as they accept the concept of female inferiority and avoid having invidious sex with men of other ethnicities (which might actually be more enjoyable and more fulfilling than sex with White men).
White women accept their social status as being more like property than that of being cherished, along with the fact that their male partners possess sexual imaginations shaped by a culture that makes women’s subordination a sexual turn‑on for White men. Such women deliberately deprive themselves of more satisfying sexual options because they lack the courage to choose from all those available; hence, the ongoing failure of White feminism to free White women from male control of their sexuality. White women actually want it that way; pretending to be against male domination, while secretly hungering for it. White men can clearly see this White female masochism and can, thus, exploit it for all its sexual and political value.
Politics in the Bedroom
Because White women know from porn what White men really think about them (as Black people know from Hollywood movies what Jews & Whites think of them), White women either choose to associate with men of other ethnicities; thereby risking the loss of the benefits of White supremacy arising from the resulting social ostracism – or try to beat White men at their own political game. In the latter case, politics is brought into the bedroom as White women then become affective prostitutes trying to gain the sexual acceptance of White males who do not actually like them (or, indeed, sexual intercourse, itself) all that much – except as sperm receptacles or masturbation substitutes, respectively. White men and White women thus become unequal allies in a race‑war – never equal friends, because they are simultaneously‑engaged in an internecine sex‑war.
White men seeing White women as mere non‑consensual holes‑to‑be‑filled helps explain, for example, White women’s obsession with dieting to desperately make themselves into what White men claim to want by trying to achieve the physically‑impossible. What White men really want is to get White women to waste their time enslaved to trying to achieve the physically‑impossible; making them the sex‑slaves of White men’s dreams. Trying to be what others wish you to be in the hope that they will love you a little more (& hate you a little less) means White women are effectively forced to mate only with White men in an emotionally‑suicidal game of cultural rape.
This White personal masochism results in the effective end to all the personal relationships that such people could ever hope to achieve, as well as the resulting high incidence, among Whites, of such things as: White guilt, divorce, drug‑ & sex‑addiction, alcoholism & White whining – the inevitable outcomes of their endemic and self‑created loneliness.
Sexual Intercourse for Robots
Sexism also explains the White penchant for how‑to‑fuck‑books & videos that the emotionally‑repressed believe will cure them of their sexual hangups; which become little more than porn‑by‑another‑name. Such works spring from the White desire to obstruct sexual spontaneity (in hopes of ensuring White women only have sex with White men, on White men’s terms); by taking them as descriptions of correct, normal & healthy sexual activity between allegedly consenting Caucasians. In this way (because White science found no evidence for an ethnic hierarchy), White emotional retardation is perpetuated, in the hope that Whites will appear to be above‑that‑sort‑of‑thing and, thus, somehow more civilized (ie, more repressed) than the so‑called lesser breeds
. Whites are thus willing to sacrifice personal happiness for political correctness by pretending that the alleged problem (human sexuality) is actually the alleged solution.
Pornography is created and used by Whites as both a scapegoat for the sexual and racial ills of White culture and as a phony cure for those very ills. Only by refusing to conform to such self‑defeating nonsense and by replacing sensational porn with emotional intimacy – with people of their own, personal choice – can White people ever hope to escape their self‑made social trap.