Friday, 7 September 2007

Blueprint for action against the threat of international terrorism

‘IT HAS been six years since the atrocious, epoch-defining terror attacks of 9/11…’. Why is it that when hundreds of Blacks were killed in East African embassies at the end of the last century, this was not described as “epoch defining”, but when thousands of Whites are killed it is? The answer is racism – the very thing that caused the terrorism in the first place. ‘…[I]t seemed as if we had entered a new era in which mass fatalities from terrorism would become routine in Western cities’. This is racist paranoia since the very purpose of terrorism is to spread terror through the threat of fatalities not the actuality of same. It is, therefore, not necessary for terrorists to kill large numbers of people. Only conventional wars require this because they are ultimately based on attrition. ‘Yet there is a real danger that electorates on both sides of the Atlantic will draw the wrong lessons from the failure of al-Qaeda and its terrorist allies to inflict more 9/11s’. Again, why would terrorists want to do this when it cannot ever be their technique or purpose to do so? ‘Without a combination of luck, clever policing and successful intelligence work, there would have been many more lethal attacks in the West’. The police have shown themselves to be basically lacking in good intelligence, not very clever and fundamentally unlucky. Again the word “atrocious” appears showing that this bigoted writer lacks a good thesaurus: ‘[H]undreds of deaths in atrocious circumstances in a nightclub on Ladies’ night’. This smacks of the White belief that it is Their women who must be protected from Johnny Saracen. ‘…[We should not forget the numerous terror attacks by Islamic extremists in the rest of the world, causing far more deaths in total than 9/11 ever did…’. And yet Whites forgot these attacks because they killed few of Their own race. This is one of the main reasons Whites have such a hard time learning the lessons of terrorism and of Their fundamental complicity in it. ‘The awful truth is that the world is even more dangerous for liberal democratic capitalism than it was six years ago’. It always has been dangerous because liberal democracies ain’t that liberal nor democratic. This is why terrorists exist and why we, ultimately, are the greatest danger to our own survival. Why is there a problem with dark skinned people possessing nuclear weapons – if that is their wish? The truth is that Israel will have to live with the threat of a nuclear Iran – as we had to during the cold war regarding the Soviet Union. Life still went on then and it will now. ‘Relying on mutually assured destruction to keep the peace in today’s Middle East truly would be mad’. And yet it kept the peace in Europe after 1945! ‘Polls consistently show that at least 10% of British Muslims believe that terror attacks are justified’. Hardly surprising since Whites consistently believe that attacking Muslim countries for no reason is justified and that White British racists have a right to free speech. ‘There is a real danger that America will learn the wrong lessons from Iraq and turn in on itself in the mistaken belief that isolationism is the easiest way to escape trouble’. And yet political “isolationism” is the easiest way to avoid trouble since it avoids annoying your neighbours. ‘There are five broad policies that all Western countries must urgently pursue if there is to be any hope of grabbing back the initiative from the terrorist radicals’. This “initiative” is ultimately trying to make the entire world a carbon copy of White Culture because Whites have consistently shown that They cannot abide difference of any kind. And it is this intolerance that produces the very terrorism of which Whites are so terrified. Perhaps Whites enjoy being terrified because it makes up for something They lack? ‘Perhaps most pressing of all, General Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan’s dictator, must be persuaded not to declare a state of emergency in Pakistan’. ‘Mr Musharraf must be told that the military and financial aid on which his regime depends will only keep on flowing if he renounces his military uniform…’. When you put these two sentences together you more fully appreciate the hypocrisy of the writer. “Persuasion” and “emotional blackmail” are not going to solve anything anymore than interfering with the internal affairs of sovereign states. This will simply produce more terrorism – which we will fully deserve. ‘The second challenge is to deal with Iraq as it is today; while the invasion was a disaster, one cannot turn back the clock’’. This is a moral evasion that avoids learning lessons from mistakes. Effectively, it’s an attempt to deny that invading Iraq was a mistake since it contains no admission that the invasion was a mistake. ‘…[T]he new US strategy, which has succeeded in cutting sectarian killings in Baghdad in half, should be given time to succeed. It is important to remember that Osama bin Laden acquired his belief in the West’s decadence from the American retreat from Somalia in 1993-94’. There’s no evidence for either of these two statements. The real, face saving, truth is contained here: ‘To leave Iraq now would encourage al-Qaeda in its belief that the West lacks the stomach for the fight and would turn those who would be perceived to have defeated the sole superpower into the heroes of extremists everywhere’. This is the real fear for which this writer is prepared to sacrifice the lives of its young men. ‘It is a sobering fact that the only successful terrorist attack on British soil since 9/11 was carried out by British citizens’. It’s funny how when dark skinned people here do bad things they’re called British (ie, traitors), but when they do well for themselves they’re resented as unintegrated immigrants who only come here to do well for themselves. The fact is that they're not fully accepted as British citizens because of their skin colour so feel no loyalty to an institutionally racist country like the UK. ‘To defeat this threat, the government must offer unstinting support to the Muslim moderates who oppose the use of violence to pursue political objectives in a democratic society’. The problem here is obvious. This idea is a classic example of crying over spilt milk. Because unstinting support to Muslims was never offered before 9/11, Muslims divided into two groups: Extremists and moderates. If Whites had been a little less racist and a little more welcoming, such a schism might never have happened. Too late now: Once bitten; twice shy. Muslims now know what Whites are really like and it’s impossible to “turn back the clock”. This writer fully realises this but evades the political implications. White people are like bad parents who then wonder why - when their kids grow up - their kids then disown them. ‘For its part, the Muslim community must become more proactive in its co operation with the police’. Of course, this is never going to happen and is payback for White Racism. After all, we see few examples of Whites being “proactive” in the War on (White) Racism (because Whites don’t see this as Their war). The reason Muslims don’t care if Whites get killed is because Whites don’t care if Muslims do. Whites know this perfectly well, which is why They are now more prepared to become overtly and desperately racist to terrorise Muslims into this so called co operation. ‘Peter Clarke, Deputy Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, recently bemoaned how few anti-terrorism prosecutions had resulted from community intelligence’. How can a white man who works for an institutionally racist organisation have the sheer effrontery to “bemoan” the fact that Muslims no more care if Whites are killed by terrorists than Whites care if Muslims are killed by racists?! This is the kind of stupidity led policing we’ve come to expect in the UK. ‘Our final plea is for a renewed push for economic and political liberalism in Islamic countries’. More White Interference that will ensure more terrorism. ‘Ultimately, terrorism will not be defeated until it has been starved of the oxygen of despair, which is its life force’. The “life force” of terrorism is the White Racism demonstrated by the belief that Whites have the God-given right to tell others what to do. ‘The past six years have seen many mistakes…’. But not so many as the past 500, in which Whites tried to fashion the world in Their own racist image; causing the terrorist backlash of which They so childishly bemoan. ‘…[W]e are in this for the long haul…’. Of course, and so are the terrorists. The same was said during the Vietnam War but that was still lost by the so called ‘forces of freedom’. This nonsense is the recipe of perpetual racewar abroad and totalitarian security measures at home. What Whites need from non Whites is someone to hate because it gives Them a goal above and beyond simply making money and cheating each other. This editorial simply attempts to give Whites the excuses They need to do what They do best: Interfere. There is, as always, no “blueprint for action against the threat of the international” racism that is being proposed here: A return to a British Empire run by the Yanks.

Article copyright © 2007 Frank TALKER. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute it in any format; provided that mention of the author’s Weblog ( is included: E mail notification requested. All other rights reserved. Frank TALKER is also the author of Sweaty Socks: A Treatise on the Inevitability of Toe Jam in Hot Weather (East Cheam Press: Groper Books, 1997) and is University of Bullshit Professor Emeritus of Madeupology.

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