Sunday, 30 September 2007

Saving a Lost Generation

‘ONLY ONE ISSUE motivates thousands of black parents to shelve the shopping and beat a path to an all-day conference – the future of their children.’ “Thousands” is not enough, to make a real and lasting impact it needs millions. The widespread apathy of blacks needs to be tackled but is never mentioned in this piece by a writer who is somewhat in denial about the real issues. ‘And nothing does more to explode the myth of uninterested parents than the queue, from nine in the morning, snaking around the Queen Elizabeth II centre in Westminster.’ Again, this is not a “myth” since the numbers involved are tiny compared to the size of the challenge. ‘The hunger for solutions to the perennial problems of exclusions, expectations and [poor academic] results…’ Again, this hunger is nothing like the famine it should be because of the lethargy of the Afro Caribbean community. ‘Frequently they are desperate for help as their kid spirals out of control or plunges into exam failure.’ If so, then why do they not homeschool and/or buy their kids good books and an Internet capable computer? It’s because they fundamentally believe that the problem (their fear of Whites) is insurmountable. ‘Hackney MP Diane Abbott, brainchild behind the annual events, is adamant the conferences have forced government to face the issues instead of hiding them.’ Yeah, right! We believe ya, Diane. But a million others wouldn’t. Perhaps this explains why your own children go to a private school, thus evading the problems inherent in the state sector altogether? Or, perhaps you’re just full of it, darling? Frank TALKER read the previous paragraph and realises that “Yes” she is: ‘‘The roots of exclusion often start years earlier. We need to tackle the underlining (Sic) problems, which is (Sic) really children feeling alienated.’ No, sweetheart. The ‘underlining problems’ is that either you or the article writer is functionally illiterate (the subject should agree with the verb in the preceding quote) and that Blacks feel alienated because They’re hated by Whites. The problem begins with the White Rrace; everything else follows on from that. Ms Abbott has spent so much time sucking up to Whites in her bid to succeed in their world that she forgets the existence of racism. The Faustian pact with Whites she has signed to be materially successful is the usual one: “Don’t remind us of how much we hate you and we’ll try to forget you’re black.” This leads to the usual psychological response of such blacks forgetting that whites tend to be racist, especially when Whites feel They can get away with it; that is, when overt White racism is recurrently fashionable. Ms Abbott suggests this nonsense because she doesn’t want to lose the career that White condescension and indulgence gave her. She certainly has no talent for politics save a pronounced survival instinct overriding everything else – especially ethical principle and common sense. ‘Schools also need to work a lot harder to involve black parents in a positive way, not just when their child is causing a problem.’ White Sschools will never do this. Obviously, Whites use institutionally racist schooling to inculcate within Black Minds the alleged hopelessness of successfully combating White Racism. This has been successfully achieved concerning poor whites so why would Whites want to educate those less white than themselves to become employment competitors for their own children. This is the essential purpose of racism: Unearned privilege for the racist. (Whites do not care about the loss of revenue to the exchequer that such racism represents nor the high cost of social welfare or immigration controls. It’s a cost They’re prepared to pay to keep their own children fully employable.) ‘It sounds simple, but what’s required is a major shift in the mindsets of teachers, governors, bureaucrats and ministers – no easy task.’ Again, impossible, since racist leopards don’t change their spots. Why should They? They can have the advantage of the situation. When was the last time you saw a racist stand up in front of others and admit that he was once a racist? And who ever heard of a leopard foregoing a free meal just because it thought the antelope had the same right to life as itself. Frank TALKER never saw that on any David Attenborough wildlife show that he’s ever seen – and neither have you. ‘That means teachers confronting uncomfortable issues of fear and misunderstanding, and breaking out of their denial about treating Black pupils and parents differently.’ Again, if they’re uncomfortable, what incentive could make them face up to what makes them uncomfortable? The whole purpose of “denial” is to avoid that very thing. If you’ve ever seen how difficult it is for a psychoanalyst to get his client to confront a difficult issue, then you’ll know what Frank TALKER means. The denial of racism serves an obvious and inherent purpose for the racist. No racist is ver going to confront their racism really, because that would be tantamount to shooting the goose that laid the golden eggs of White Privilege. Be honest, if you were born with a privilege that made your life better than anyone else simply because of a birth circumstance, would you renounce it? It is Blacks who’re in denial here not Whites. ‘After a few days [the teacher] became aware… she had been avoiding speaking to the African-Caribbean parents.’ This nonsense is a part of the problem. This White Teacher suddenly realises she hates Blacks. She must’ve been pretty stupid all these years for it to have taken her so long to see this. This makes her comments worthless: Who takes an idiot seriously. In addition, Whites only believe what other Whites say whenever there’s a problem. If a Black said the same thing, she would be ignored precisely because Whites believe that Blacks are feckless liars. This teacher should have resigned from her post as being unfit to teach! She did the Afro-Caribbean parents a favour by avoiding them: With racists, one always fears their bigotry will rub off on one. Pilot studies like “Aiming High” are fundamentally worthless because you have to get Whites to agree to being called racists before anything is ever done. So long as Whites insist that They call the shots regarding any anti racist initiative, such initiatives will always be fundamentally racist themselves. They represent yet more attempts to control Blacks as a vain means of controlling inbuilt White fear of Blacks. They’re exactly the same as going to the fox in charge of the hencoop and expecting him to behave in a less fox like manner towards the hens! Self delusion on an epic scale. ‘The government claim the £5m programme has produced stunning results with African Caribbean exam results outstripping other pupils.’ The obvious problem with this, of course, is that it shows Whites that Blacks need White help in order to achieve. This offers aid and succour to the racist view that Blacks are inferior unless their genetic superiors help them. Talk about playing the White Man’s Game! I ask you! ‘We send our kids into an institution that we have no confidence in yet (Sic) and expect it to work, but it doesn’t.’ Black parents are perfectly happy for their children to fail because They want to prove that White People are incorrigibly racist. This explains this apparent paradox. And is used by Blacks to explain their failure to their kids lest their kids should see through their imposture and stop looking up to them. ‘No-one can love your child more than you.’ Blacks need to ask themselves if They really do love their children (“No” based on the available evidence) and if not, why not?

Article copyright © 2007 Frank TALKER. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute it in any format; provided that mention of the author’s Weblog ( is included: E mail notification requested. All other rights reserved. Frank TALKER is also the author of Sweaty Socks: A Treatise on the Inevitability of Toe Jam in Hot Weather (East Cheam Press: Groper Books, 1997) and is University of Bullshit Professor Emeritus of Madeupology.

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