Monday, 15 October 2007

squarepeg and racism

‘Of course, it goes without saying that no white man, no matter how disadvantaged, is able to take advantage of the training and free motorcycle on offer in order to gain "the knowledge"’. But can squarepeg tell us in what way whites are more disadvantaged compared to blacks – especially given the fact that the UK is institutionally racist? ‘I cannot understand how this is permissible under the race laws…’ This is because squarepeg doesn’t understand the law – race or otherwise. ‘…I do not understand either how there can exist a society of Black Lawyers, which would seem to me to fly in the face of any sort of anti-discrimination legislation’. Needless to say, squarepeg doesn’t say how the existence of such an organisation discriminates against whites – as he implies it does – because (as already noted) he doesn’t understand the race laws. Why does he not criticise the fact that (white) organisations for lawyers currently discriminate in favour of whites? Because squarepeg would not like to see an end to positive discrimination for whites, which he – no doubt - does NOT see as flying in the face of anti discrimination legislation, since he never condemns it. The fundamental problem with racists like squarepeg is that they never condemn positive discrimination for whites (ie, white racism) only the discrimination – his included – aimed at those less white than himself.

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