When a man claims anyone should 'reclaim' anything, he's implying there existed a time when the thing to be reclaimed actually existed. This is the fallacy that the past was better than now and that "The Good Old Days" is a logical statement. The fact is that great Britain never occupied any moral high ground at any time in its past: The British Empire and the slavery trade prove this. The basic reason for 'fundamentalist evil' is the white racist evil that preceded it - to which terrorism is merely a natural response. This author admits that the War-on-Terror is 'crippled by disastrous community relations' yet refuses to mention the reason for this: White Racism. If whites refuse to talk to the Muslim Council of Britain, they're trying to decide whom they should talk to. That is, only those they already agree with and with whom there can be no real debate because they already agree with one another. This is just more of the same White Racism that has caused the terrorism problem we face in the first place. Judging minorities you don't agree with by white standards of what's 'moderate' is just more racism. Attacking a particular Muslim (Sayeeda Warsi) for not agreeing with whites is a good example of the tendency to talk about blacks as being a "credit to their race" so long as they agree with whites. What whites desire here is that Muslims renounce both Islam and reality before they can ever be trusted as being "one of us". But, they can't change their skin colour and that's the real problem. Talk about obtaining the help of 'moderate, mainstream Muslims' is meaningless because whites never define these terms to mean anything other than "Muslims who agree with us". Because of the endemic nature of White Racism, there are no such Muslims. The author recognises this implicitly. Yet refuses to face the truth of his own words when he states that no Muslim has come forward to help whites in any of the convictions so far obtained for terrorist offences in the UK since September 2001. This author's denial of reality is made plain when he then goes on to claim that most Muslims are against terrorism. If so, why are they singularly unresponsive to calls to help whites defeat it? Whites renouncing racism is the only means at their disposal of countering terrorism that has any hope of ever succeeding. But, since whites use racism as an economic tool for their own betterment (cf, racist managed migration policies, educational & job exclusion, etc), using racism as a tool of countering terrorism simply creates more of same and can only temporarily cure (not prevent) future outbreaks. Racism is job creation for the security services since more staff are then needed to counter the threat that White Racism has created for whites. White Racism radicalises ethnic minorities not Al Qaeda training videos. The only 'culture wars' exist in the White Racist Mind. Al Qaeda does not want to bring about the downfall of Western culture; it simply wants Western culture to stop interfering with Islamic culture. To claim the existence of such a war is simply to invent a threat justifying the killing of Muslims in foreign lands and the racist abuse of Muslims at home. It is a very common way whites have of achieving false unity by claiming the barbarians are at the gate. And, that we need to stick together to protect a culture so weak it cannot stand without such a false unity. It is, in effect, the social policy of the lonely social outcast who has no other recourse in terms of obtaining human intercourse than to make every one fear for their lives if they don't engage in such intercourse. And, thereby, pay him the attention he couldn't otherwise obtain. Politicians also do this to get votes in Western democracies. Because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, everything Frank TALKER says here must be blindingly obvious. But, not to those blinded by their racist inhibitions about the dark skinned. This is why prevention is always secondary to whites when cure is so much more lucrative – in the short term. To claim that Britain stands for 'liberal values' is not backed up by any evidence seen by members of the ethnic minorities. This is why racial integration is a non starter and why most whites believe that only white people can ever be truly British. If this were not the case why does an organisation like the British National Party exist? An extremist organisation that this writer never mentions because it makes all whites look bad and is the source of much white guilt. Ridiculously, this author condemns bad aspects of Muslim culture without recognising that these are imported into the country precisely because whites are not welcoming of Muslims. If whites were, then such practices would have fallen out of use as Muslims assimilated the so called 'liberal values' of the host culture. Racism merely ensures that the worst aspects of any immigrant culture become fossilised as valid expressions of that culture; to vainly counter the racist threat from without. Proposing the banning of forced marriages; more police work against honour killings; and, making it more difficult for foreigners to marry British nationals is just more of the same racism that this writer pretends to condemn. This writer's own animus against Muslims is precisely why Muslims are not going to help in the War-on-Terror. He condemns calls for the introduction of a parallel Sharia law yet fails to respond to the reasons for this call: White Racism. In this context, the word "Consensus" does not appear because whites want Muslims to do the white man's bidding. Therefore, neither compromise nor meaningful relationship is possible on that basis. 'Support and build a home-grown Islam which is comfortable with its Britishness and sees itself firmly as a part of a larger liberal democracy'. The problem is, of course, that you only get one chance to make a first impression. And Muslims, know just as much as any ethnic minority knows, that Britain is not a welcoming place for the dark skinned and, therefore, not much of a liberal democracy. It's far too late now – now that whites are living in fear for their own lives because of the desire for revenge White Racism has created in others – to try and pretend that either culture can be friends when they are clearly sworn enemies. And always will be. Once the trust is gone, you can't get it back: Once bitten; twice shy. Once whites stop propagandising for themselves (ie, jerking off) and accept that Muslims don't trust them because they experience profound cognitive dissonance between the white claim that the UK is a liberal democracy and their experience of its rampant racism, some progress may be possible. However, there are no historical precedents for this and there's nothing new under the sun, so there never will be. To claim that violence should be absolutely condemned would mean that the right to self defensive murder would be outlawed; meaning that one would have to allow a murderer to kill you to avoid falling foul of the law. Such impractical gibberish is all too emblematic of white desperation in the face of a threat they created and know they cannot actually defeat. Because they know the threat comes from within their own hearts and they would have to rebuild their racist culture and all its assumptions before they could ever do so. Much better to claim that it is others who must cast out the mote in their eye than the beam in the white man's. Muslims do not claim that they are the only ones being victimised – this is racist nonsense. They merely claim that such hatred comes in waves and that they are now being more openly victimised than before 2001. Whites will always be apologising for their values and way of-life because those same produces the race guilt leading to the apologetic stance towards the ethnic minorities. If whites didn't feel this guilt then why are they so apologetic? The desire for atonement for past sins comes precisely because of those past sins which the Christian faith claims pass from generation to generation – as the sins of the father shall be visited upon the children. And, because of the nonsensical view that Jesus Christ died for the sins of others, that he did not himself commit. Get rid of Christianity and white culture would be driven by guilt and shame a lot less. To claim that the bad aspects of White Culture don't make it an 'evil society' is like claiming that buboes don't indicate the presence of plague. If British culture isn't evil, then why is their so much evil in it? And, why is so much of it turned a blind eye to? And why are so many whites complicit in this evil in the form of overwhelming sins of omission in not properly dealing with this evil? Racism, unwanted pregnancies, welfare dependency, socialism, alcoholism, pornography, drug abuse, etc. To claim that Islamic fundamentalists are not understood is imply to claim that they can be demonised as not being rationally comprehensible (because they're mad) and the real issues they raise not addressed. You cannot beat what you don't understand because you will then fail to see the weaknesses that you can attack. This piece contains plenty of reasons for their behaviour and Frank TALKER's empathy with it. In the final analysis, it is not our enemies that we really need to understand but ourselves: Chiefly, do we have a culture worth defending? This author states nothing that exists in the West that he considers worth defending, save his own shit scared life. You cannot defeat an ideology – only its adherents. So we'd better make sure we have an ideology that's better than theirs or we're sunk in the same metaphysical and political mire as they are. Opponents most often mirror each other's cultural emptiness and wars are usually attempts to destroy the mirror to oneself that one's opponents usually throw up. After all, when one is ugly, it's hard to look into any mirror. Muslims won't help in the War-on-Terror because it's not their war because it was not initiated by them and has no possible benefit for them. It is the poisonous ideology of White Racism that needs to be tackled before there is a hope of winning the war on terrorism; racism cannot be cured by more of the same that this article attempts to perpetuate. Because racism is the ultimate form of human extremism which explains all the others. Whites want sacrifices from Muslims with no white sacrifices in return – especially sacrificing the economic benefits whites obtain from continuing to be racist. To appease white fear of Muslims, whites expect Muslims to appease white fear of Muslims. Rather than admit whites've been wrong all these centuries about non whites, whites wish to try to wash away their racial sins with the blood of the Muslims they kill. At the most fundamental level of this piece is the refusal to accept not only White Racism and its inevitably negative consequences for all whites – not just those who openly practice it – is that all theistic religion is inherently evil. Because based upon the unprovable assertion that that which you cannot - and need not - prove exists, exists. Believe that and you can excuse any nonsense by claiming to have special access to god's will. Eradicate that from culture and you will have achieved something far more worthwhile than anti terrorist legislation you could ever possibly imagine. In the end, such talk only occurs when whites fear their own deaths – not when the threat is directed at blacks. This is why this piece-de-merde is caucasio centric nonsense because it never refers to the terrorist and fundamentalist threat to blacks. It's whites who're in denial here about the real problem. The true fundamentalist evil lies within the white race and its tendency to be racist towards those it cannot stomach.
Article copyright © 2007 Frank TALKER. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute it electronically and in print; provided that mention of the author’s Weblog (http://franktalker.blogspot.com/) is included: E mail notification requested. All other rights reserved. Frank TALKER is also the author of Sweaty Socks: A Treatise on the Inevitability of Toe Jam in Hot Weather Conditions (East Cheam Press: Groper Books, 1997) and is University of Bullshit Professor Emeritus of Madeupology.
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